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Mousetail (Myosurus minimus)
Mousetail (Myosurus minimus)

We’ve had a recording of a nationally scarce plant on the reserve, called mousetail (Myosurus minimus).  This small flowering plant is part of the buttercup family.  It stands at only about 12 centimetres tall, which is why it is sometimes called tiny mousetail.

This plant species is normally found in lowland habitats, including arable fields and grassland.  The seeds of the plant are often moved around and then trampled into the ground by livestock (or perhaps on the sole of a boot).  But they also float and so can be carried by flood water.

The reason for the decline is the move to more intensive farmland management.  So areas like the Ouse Washes give plants such as this a chance to thrive.

For those of our visitors who are eagle-eyed or have an interest in plants, it is worth pausing on the ramp at the back of the main observatory to view this particular species.

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