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All roads open. Everyone can access Nelson-Lyle, walking boots to Lyle, wellies to Friends, Reedbed hide closed for now. Water levels dropping. Lady Fen trails closed for breeding season - due to re-open July. Wetland views from the cafe until then.


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Reserve update - bringing wetland wildlife to you

Welney Wetland Centre is now re-opened for pre-booked visits only with limited numbers. We have a smaller than normal team on site at present, but will continue to bring the reserve to you on the website and social media until you are able to visit.

Welney Wetland Centre is now re-opened for pre-booked visits only, with daily maximum numbers to maintain social distancing and safety measures. We have a smaller than normal team on site at present, but will continue to bring the reserve to you on the website and social media until you are able to visit.

It has been wonderful to see more familiar faces as well as people for whom this is their first ever visit - we hope they enjoy their visits and come back again when we are providing a more enhanced experience. We've had some great feedback from members, non-members, staff and volunteers that have visited so far – many of whom are saying this is their first visit away from home. This week we re-opened the shop and have started to take memberships in centre as well.

We're getting lots of lovely feedback about visitors enjoying the summer walk and seeing cuckoos on the wires, little ringed plover are still around as well as green sandpiper on the main lagoon. One of the swallow broods in the north wing hide has fledged this week, but they haven’t ventured far as the youngsters are still being fed by the parents from the observatory veranda. The Welney godwit chicks are due to fledge any day now, so we await to see if anyone spots their ring combinations whilst observing birds on the pools.

Plenty of dragonfly and damselfly activity this week, with chasers, skimmers, hawkers and now darters out on the wing.

A TV date to put in the diary – A Wild Year series starts to air from Fri 3 July, the episode on the The Fens which features Welney is on Fri 10th July 9pm.

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