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All roads open. Everyone can access Nelson-Lyle, walking boots to Lyle, wellies to Friends, Reedbed hide closed for now. Water levels dropping. Lady Fen trails closed for breeding season - due to re-open July. Wetland views from the cafe until then.


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Reserve update - bringing wetland wildlife to you

Welney Wetland Centre is now re-opened for pre-booked visits only. We have a smaller than normal team on site at present, but will continue to bring the reserve to you on the website and social media until you are able to visit.

Welney Wetland Centre is now re-opened for pre-booked visits only. We have a smaller than normal team on site at present, but will continue to bring the reserve to you on the website and social media until you are able to visit.

Autumn migration has begun for many wading birds, recent arrivals have included Icelandic black-tailed godwits which seem to have taken over from our breeding birds as the more numerous race on the pools in front of the hides. Multiple green and common sandpiper have been seen most of this week, three dunlin on the main lagoon on Tuesday morning, a couple of interesting looking adult ruff on Bank farm pool and curlew heard calling over the reserve. This interesting blog post by Graham Appleton on his Wader Tales website details the various migration strategies of the wading birds which pass through the UK annually - Which wader when and why

Whooper swan fam2-scr.jpg

The whooper swan family are looking well, all five cygnets still with the adult birds. The pair of adult birds have the rings Yellow LID and Orange XKV, most often they can be seen from Reedbed hide, but do venture down to the main lagoon – possibly as the parents are telling the young what will happen in winter when it is swan feeding time.

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