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All roads open. Everyone can access Nelson-Lyle, walking boots to Lyle, wellies to Friends, Reedbed hide closed for now. Water levels dropping. Lady Fen trails closed for breeding season - due to re-open July. Wetland views from the cafe until then.


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Ruby-tailed wasps

Ruby tailed wasp by Kim Tarsey

There are some real jewels to be found on the reserve at the moment including these ruby-tailed wasps. They aren't the largest wasp at only 1cm long but they make up for that with their incredible appearance. If you have been to Welney before to see the leaf-cutter bees, these solitary wasps are now using the same dead willow stump (between main hide and North pond dipping station).

These wasps have a metallic green/blue head and thorax, but on closer inspection the ruby-red abdomen can be seen, especially if they are waggling their tail!

We've got fantastic hides on the reserve from which to view the many species of birds, but it is also worth taking your time to explore the footpaths for the hundreds of species of insect you will be able to enjoy.

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