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All roads open. All hides open. Lady Fen trails closed due to crane and swan activity on these wetlands and close to the perimeter trail.

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Small mammal survey

Field vole at WWT Welney
Field vole at WWT Welney

This morning we did a test run of the small mammal survey we will be running tomorrow morning from 7am - 8.30am as part of our World Wetlands Day activities.  This is a great chance to get closer to voles, mice and shrews which are normally extremely illusive.

This morning's survey was hugely successful with bank voles, field voles and wood mice being found.  As well as being treated to a gorgeous sunrise as the swans were flying out.  The small mammal survey on Sunday 2 February has limited places and so you will need to contact the centre today to book your place.

Bank vole encounter
Bank vole encounter

Fenland sunrise
Fenland sunrise

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