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Spring's first ray of sunshine


Despite the weather putting a dampener on the weekend and birds activity almost going in reverse, the first flowers of coltsfoot have appeared beside the front pond.  Cotlsfoot (Tussilago farfara) is a welcome sign that we are about to step into spring. The golden yellow flowers look similar to dandelions and are about to burst into bloom in the coming days.  These plants come out earlier than dandelions and are much smaller, only growing to 10-30cm from the ground.  Coltsfoot flowers grow on stems covered with purple scales and when the flowers die down after going to seed, the heart-shaped leaves appear.




Don't forget to look out for these as you approach the centre from the car park.  At the same time look out for the first signs of our water voles, which up until now have remained dormant during the cold weather.  Look for any chewed reeds and droppings resembling those of guinea pigs!

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