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Swallow chicks fledging

Swallow fledglings huddled together
Swallow fledglings huddled together

The next wave of young birds have just flown the nest.  Our brood of swallows from the North Wing Hide finally ventured outside this weekend and have begun to line up along the hand rails outside this hide.  Yesterday they were joined by three other fledglings that looked slightly older and less fluffy.  The adult birds are continuing to feed the chicks whilst they get used to life on the wing.

The fact that so many of the young birds are using the rails is encouraging some of the adult house martins to join them, providing really good views of birds which normally zip overhead at some speed!




More fledglings join in
More fledglings join in

Swallow fledgling
Swallow fledgling









House martin
House martin

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