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Access possible direct from Littleport or Denver Sluice/Ten Mile Bank. All hides open. Lady Fen trails closed for breeding season - due to re-open July. Wetland views from the cafe until then.


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Taking care of our birds

Protecting the birds in our care and those visiting our reserve here is our top priority, read on for a little more detail.

Protecting the birds in our care and those visiting our reserve here is our top priority. Each winter we see tens of thousands of swans, ducks, geese and wading birds arriving to spend the coldest months of the year on and around the Ouse Washes, which includes WWT Welney Wetland Centre.

The flocks of birds are coming together to feed, roost and preen on the wetlands of the Ouse Washes as well as feeding on any waste from the autumn harvest left in the surrounding fields. The key need in such difficult times for wild birds is to avoid disturbance and changes, which are likely to stress the birds and cause changes to their behaviour and routine, which may prolong or spread the disease further afield. Therefore, our trained team continue to undertake certain actions, including our wild bird feeds that support the birds during the challenging winter months. That way, we continue to provide a safe haven, ensure birds remain fit (to give them the best chance of fighting the disease), and reduce the chance that they might otherwise disperse to other areas, spreading the disease.

Our team who feed the birds have considerable experience of doing this sensitively, and are experts in assessing the behaviour of the birds, to know that they are settled and healthy. They wear appropriate personal protective equipment to avoid the risk of spreading the disease. We keep this under constant review and take many steps to reduce the risk and manage the impact from avian influenza.

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