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All roads open. All hides open. Lady Fen trails closed due to crane and swan activity on these wetlands and close to the perimeter trail.

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Todays sightings

Lady Fen
Lady Fen

The reserve is looking amazing today, despite forecasts earlier in the week predicting wet/snowy weather, we are bathed in sunshine.

A huge flock of golden plover are filling the skies over Lady Fen whenever they think a bird of prey is approaching.  We estimate about 5,000 birds are in the flock, but they just won't sit still.  Lapwing are displaying and skylarks are singing so it really feels like the start of spring.
Green sandpiper - 1

Over on the reserve, little grebe and goldeneye accompany the flock of pochard on the main lagoon.  Avocet, curlew, oystercatcher, dunlin, black-tailed godwit, reshank, snipe and lapwing are spread throughout the reserve on the islands and spits of land as water levels continue to drop ready for spring.

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