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Wonderful washes

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Spring continues to make its presence known and the washes are becoming greener and even more full of life.  Over the last week we have had our first swallows and house martins arriving and making themselves known in front of the main observatory as they look over the available nesting sites.  We knew that they wouldn't be long as one of our volunteers had found the yellow flower, Lesser Celandine in the dragonfly ponds.  This small, star shaped flower

Yellow wagtail by Jon Smith
Yellow wagtail by Jon Smith

Yellow wagtail are back in force and are easy to spot as they follow the herd of cattle for their insect food source.  Sedge and reed warblers are also back and are starting to sing in the reeds.  Now is the best time to see these little birds, before the reeds and wildflowers grow to give them cover.


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