Latest sightings

Today's Sightings
Peregrine x2 Redshank Avocet Shelduck Shoveler Tree Sparrow Buzzard Marsh Harrier Kestrel Sparrowhawk Kingfisher Little Ringed Plover Great White Egret Snipe Teal Skylark Swallow House Martin Black-tailed Godwit Yellow Wagtail
18 April 2017

Todays sightings
Egyptian Goose Yellow Wagtail Moorhen and Chicks Redshank Avocet Little Egret Shelduck Shoveler Oystercatcher Teal Tufted Duck Gadwall Great White Egret Little Ringed Plover Lapwing Swallow House Martin Buzzard Marsh Harrier Cettis Warbler Sedge Warbler R
15 April 2017

Sightings Tuesday 11th April
All hides remain open apart from Allport hide, Summer walk is closed. Sightings today: Mute swan Whooper swan Egyptian Goose Gadwall Pintail Shelduck Shoveler Tufted duck Great white egret Grey heron Little egret Kingfisher Avocet Black-tailed godwit Lapw
11 April 2017

Sightings Friday 7th April
All hides apart from Allport are open. Sightings so far today: Mute swan Gadwall Garganey Mallard Pintail Pochard Shelduck Shoveler Tufted duck Wigeon Great white egret Little egret Kingfisher Avocet Black-tailed godwit Dunlin Green sandpiper Lapwing Litt
7 April 2017

Sigthings Tuesday 4th April
All hides are open apart from Allport, dragonfly pond and Summer walk closed. Sightings today: Mute swan Egyptian goose Pintail Shoveler Teal Tufted duck Wigeon Coot Moorhen Great white egret Little egret Grey heron Avocet Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Litt
4 April 2017

Sightings Sunday 2nd April
Water levels remain low, all hides apart from Allport hide are open. Sightings so far today: Bewick's swan (3 at Friend's hide) Whooper swan Mute swan Gadwall Pintail Pochard Shelduck Shoveler Teal Tufted duck Wigeon Coot Moorhen Water rail Great white eg
2 April 2017

Today's Highlights
Little ringed plover x 2 - Main observatory Ruff Great crested grebe x 14 Meadow pipit Green woodpecker Avocet Skylark Cetti's warbler Great white egret x 3 Chiff chaff
1 April 2017

Sightings Wednesday 29th March
Water levels remain low, all hides apart from Allport are open. Sightings today: Whooper swan Mute swan Gadwall Pintail Pochard Shelduck Shoveler Teal Tufted duck Wigeon Little grebe Kingfisher Great white egret Little egret Avocet Black-tailed godwit Cur
29 March 2017

Sightings Tuesday 28th March
Shelduck Tufted duck Wigeon Kingfisher Great white egret (5) Little egret Avocet Lapwing Oystercatcher Snipe Reed bunting
29 March 2017

Todays Sightings
Avocet Redshank Dunlin Curlew Black-Tailed Godwit Snipe (drumming) Oystercatcher Lapwing Gadwall Shoveller Shelduck Wigeon Teal Pintail Tufted Duck Pochard Great White Egret Sparrowhawk
23 March 2017

Todays Sightings
Tree Sparrow Whooper Swan Greylag Wigeon Teal Black-tailed Godwit Reed Bunting Gadwall Shelduck Tufted Duck Grey Wagtail Oystercatcher Avocet Pintail
22 March 2017

Todays Sightings
Kestrel Marsh Harrier Gadwall Meadow Pipit Curlew Great White Egret Redshank Little Egret Stock Dove Tufted Duck Shelduck Oystercatcher BOXING HARES in front of ladyfen!!
21 March 2017

Daisy Clarke makes it to Denmark before Storm Doris hits the UK
Our Bewick's swan, Daisy Clarke, is now in Denmark, having had a breif stop in the Netherlands and Germany as she moves further north east towards the breeding grounds in Arctic Russia. Good luck Daisy Clarke! Leho is yet to start her journey, so there ar
22 February 2017

Sightings Wednesday 22nd February
Sightings so far today: Whooper Swans Lapwing Little Egret Great White Egret Wigeon Teal Mallard Pintail Pochard White-fronted Geese Goldfinch Great Tit Snipe Oystercatcher Stonechat Reed Bunting Ruff Black-tailed Godwit Egyptian Geese Golden Plover Sheld
22 February 2017

Sightings Sunday 19th February
Water levels remain low, but some water on path towards reedbed hide, wellies advised. All hides remain open apart from Allport hide. Sightings so far today: Bewick's swan (5 at Friends hide) Whooper swan Mute swan Black swan (Main Observatory) Greylag Eg
19 February 2017