We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


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Latest sightings

WeBS count

WeBS count

Great crested grebe - 4 Egyptian goose - 2 Shelduck - 8 Wigeon - 6035 Mallard  682 Tufted duck - 653 Pochard - 627 Teal - 273 Pintail - 58 Shoveler - 9 Gadwall - 4 Lapwing - 35 Dunlin - 3 Redshank - 1 Snipe - 1 Barn owl - 2 Marsh harrier - 1 Buzzard - 1

11 February 2013

Weekend sightings

Weekend sightings

As water levels drecrease there is a greater variety of birds on the reserve. Main observaotry to Friends hide is accessible and the Welney causeway on the A1101 is now open and flood free. Lady Fen Complex - next to the visitor centre Barn owl - 2 Sheldu

11 February 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Barn owl - 1 Marsh harrier - 1 Wigeon - grazing the river banks and sitting on the water on the reserve Pochard, mallard and tufted duck at the swan feeds Shelduck More waders are using the spits of land on the main lagoon such as lapwing, black-tailed g

9 February 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Lapwing, golden plover and fieldfare flocks on the wetland area next to the visitor centre this morning.  We have put some new potatoes out on the first pool so there is a small group of whoopers on this area as well - ring numbers out there this morning

6 February 2013

Today's sightings and conditions

Today's sightings and conditions

Water levels have increased since Monday but there is still a good variety of birds to be seen from the main hide and at swan feed times.  Today we have TV Wildlife Presenter, Mike Dilger, taking on the task of feeding the birds at the 3.30pm swan feed.

1 February 2013

Dawn swan count

Dawn swan count

Bewick's swans - 3012 Whooper swans - 779 These figures are just from the Ouse washes and wetland creation site managed by WWT.  There has been a marked increase in Bewick's swans since the cold snap earlier this month.  Whooper swan numbers are lower

29 January 2013

WeBS Count

WeBS Count

Water levels were ok for todays count but look set to rise over the next few days with water coming down from further upsteam after the recent thaw. Highlights Smew - 1 (female) Goldeneye - 4 Little egret - 1 Bean goose - 2 Wigeon - 7065 Teal - 1316 Malla

28 January 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Smew - 1 female seen from the main observatory out a couple of washes to the left hand side. Sightings from the weekend included: Peregrine Water rail snipe Black-tailed godwit Barn owl

28 January 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Fieldfare by Jane Rowe Main lagoon Bewick's swan - 8 flew on to the main lagoon at 3.10pm today and remained through the swan talk before moving on just before the swans were fed. Snipe - 2 Black-tailed godwit - 1 Rin

23 January 2013

Swans and snow

Swans and snow

  Baldur the whooper swan and family Lots of snow at WWT Welney today but we are still open and plan to be all week.  The roads are regularly gritted but wellies are still advisable along the paths of the reserv

21 January 2013



At the evening feed on Friday 18 January there was an univited guest in the form of an otter.  It looked quite small in size so potentially it was a juvenile from this year and was obviously using this area of unfrozen water as an air hole.  The birds d

19 January 2013

Peregrine sighting

Peregrine sighting

Lady Fen Peregrine falcon - 1 Buzzard - 1

18 January 2013

WeBS Count

WeBS Count

Water levels have improved and are continuing to drop, but the frozen conditions we are forecast will mean that every available bit of open, fresh water will be a lifeline to our birds, wader numbers may drop as the ground freezes but wildfowl will remain

14 January 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Merganser - 1 female Goldeneye - 2 female White lapwing - 1 (in amongst the flock using the spit of land at main observatory) Sparrowhawk - 1 All hides are now open except the Reedbed hide, but wellies are essential to get to hides apart from the main obs

11 January 2013

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Lady fen/Bank farm Marsh harrier - 2 Buzzard - 1 Barn owl - 1 Hares starting to box this afternoon Water levels are continuing to drop and we will keep you posted as to when footpaths and hides being to become available.

8 January 2013