Latest sightings

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Garganey (x2) Gadwall Wigeon Teal Pochard Tufted duck Cormorant Coot Moorhen Cranes Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Redshank Avocet Common sandpiper Ringed plover Dunlin Lapwing Common tern Black-

25 April 2018

Sightings for Tuesday 24th April

Sightings for Tuesday 24th April

Water levels are dropping fast which means all hides except for reedbed hide are now open, however you will need boots to get to Friends hide as the path is still a bit wet and muddy in places. Sightings today: Mute swan Whooper swan Crane Greylag goose G

24 April 2018

First hand-reared godwit returns to UK

First hand-reared godwit returns to UK

A black-tailed godwit has returned to The Fens in East Anglia where it was hand-reared after migrating as far as Portugal for the winter. The bird is one of 26 black-tailed godwits raised at WWT Welney and released into the wild last summer. The wader, a

24 April 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes and chick Lapwing Moorhen Coot Black-tailed godwit Grey heron Oystercatcher Avocet Redshank Great crested grebe Cormorant Bar-tailed godwit-Nelson/Lyle Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag goose Canada goose Pochard Goldeneye displaying Shoveler Shelduck

23 April 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Goldeneye Gadwall Shoveler Tufted duck Pintail Garganey Shelduck Wigeon Cranes Lapwing Redshank Snipe Black-tailed godwit Avocet Grey plover Little grebe Oystercatcher Coot Little egret Grey heron Great crested grebe Whooper swan Mute swan Common tern Lit

22 April 2018

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail Gadwall Wigeon Teal Pochard Tufted duck Goldeneye Great crested grebe Cormorant Coot Moorhen Crane Grey heron Great  egret Little egret Curlew Whimbrel Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Red

21 April 2018

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Egyptian goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Gadwall Tufted duck Goldeneye Great crested grebe Coot Moorhen Crane Great egret (x3) Little egret Oystercatcher Ruff Redshank Avocet Snipe Lapwing Black tern Black-headed gull Pied w

20 April 2018

Cause for celebration over crane chicks

Cause for celebration over crane chicks

Crane and chick by Roger Rawson The common crane Grus grus has successfully bred for the first time at WWT Welney Wetland Centre. The birds arrived on 21st March and to the delight of visitors, staff and volunteers th

20 April 2018

Sightings for Thursday 19th April

Sightings for Thursday 19th April

Water levels remain high but are now starting to drop so only Main Observatory is open but all other hides and footpaths are closed. Sightings so far today: Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Crane Mallard Pintail Shelduck Shoveler Tufted duck Coot Moor

19 April 2018

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Crane Goldeneye Tufted Duck Great crested grebe Avocet Greylag goose Lapwing Redshank Coot Mallard Tree sparrow Swallow Pintail Dunlin Pied wagtail Reed bunting Goldfinch Shoveler Gadwall Greenshank

18 April 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Greylag Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Tufted duck Great crested grebe Little grebe Coot Moorhen Crane Oystercatcher Redshank Lapwing Black-headed gull Reed bunting Tree sparrow Goldfinch Chaffinch Great tit Wren Robin Song thrush Wood pigeon Pheasan

17 April 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes Black-necked grebe Great crested grebe Wigeon Teal Gadwall Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Goldeneye Tufted duck Cormorant Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Grey heron Avocet Moorhen Coot Lapwing Redshank Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Tree sparrow Goldf

16 April 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Little egret Great white egret Crane Redshank Lapwing Moorhen Coot Snipe Avocet Little grebe Black-headed gull Little gull Mute swan Whooper swan Cormorant Shelduck Shoveler Wigeon Gadwall Teal Mallard Tufted duck Goldeneye Egyptian goose Greylag goose Ca

15 April 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag goose Canada goose Brent goose-1 Black-necked grebe-pair Black-tailed godwit-400+ Black-winged stilt Redshank Moorhen Lapwing Coot Avocet Snipe Cranes Great crested grebe Little grebe Little egret Cormorant Curlew-1 Black-he

14 April 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Brent goose Greylag Canada goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Gadwall Wigeon Teal Tufted duck Goldeneye Coot Moorhen Crane (x2) Little egret Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Ruff Redshank Avocet Lapwing Black-headed gull Lesser black-

13 April 2018