Latest sightings

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Curlew -12 Black-tailed godwit - 700 Lapwing Golden plover Whooper swan Wigeon Teal Shoveler Pochard Marsh harrier Snipe Tree sparrow Great white egret - Lyle hide Redwing Ruff Dunlin

15 November 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Whooper swan  - 2,400 Bewick's swan - 24 Pintail Dunlin Black-tailed godwit Pochard Wigeon Shoveler Shelduck Teal Kestrel Marsh harrier Lapwing Redshank Little egret Cetti's warbler Redwing Fieldfare Tree sparrow

14 November 2017

Swan arrivals

Swan arrivals

Whooper swan family Jane Rowe Whooper swans have been arriving in good numbers over recent weeks, and a dawn count this week has revealed that we now have 2,400 at WWT Welney.  We also have 24 Bewick's swans so far,

14 November 2017

Sightings Monday 11th November

Sightings Monday 11th November

Bright but chilly start to the day, all hides are open and Summer walk remains open. Sightings so far today: Bewick's swan Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag goose Pink footed goose (15 seen from friends hide) Gadwall Mallard Pintail Pochard Shelduck Shoveler

13 November 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Tree Sparrow Blue Tit Great Tit Cetti's Warbler Wren Goldfinch Water Rail Redshank Common Sandpiper Black-tailed Godwit Lapwing Teal Shoveler Shelduck Pintail Pochard Wigeon Canada Goose Greylag Goose Marsh Harrier Kestrel Whooper Swan Bewick's Swan Mute

12 November 2017

Today's sightings Saturday 11th November

Today's sightings Saturday 11th November

Bewick's swan (2 from Friends hide) Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada goose Mallard Shoveler Teal Wigeon Pochard Gadwall Shelduck Pintail  (x4) Cormorant Great White Egret Grey heron Little egret Moorhen Coot Little grebe Kingfisher Black-tailed godw

11 November 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Whooper swan Mute swan Shoveler Gadwall Teal Wigeon Pochard Pintail Lapwing Golden plover Ruff Dunlin Moorhen Coot Black-tailed godwit Peregrine Buzzard Marsh harrier Tree sparrow Goldfinch Starling

10 November 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Golden Plover x2,000 Black-tailed godwit-1,000+ Lapwing Dunlin-3 Redshank-4 Snipe-6 Ruff-8 Curlew-12 Little egret Grey heron Tree sparrow Goldfinch Fieldfare-200 Green woodpecker Barn owl Buzzard Marsh harrier Peregrine Kestrel-3 Wigeon Pochard Teal Shove

9 November 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Whooper swan Tree sparrow Wigeon Pochard Teal Pintail Shoveler Gadwall Redshank Black-tailed godwit Redwing Fieldfare Stonechat Buzzard Marsh harrier Little egret Grey heron Dunlin Lapwing

8 November 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Marsh Harrier Sparrow hawk Kestrel Buzzard Whooper swan Pochard Teal Wigeon Shoveler Gadwall Pintail Black-tailed godwit Ruff Dunlin Snipe Redshank Grey heron Fieldfare Stonechat Goldfinch Tree sparrow

7 November 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Great white egret Barn owl Kingfisher-Friends hide Stonechat Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Snipe Curlew-9 Ruff-3 Fieldfare-50 Buzzard-2 Marsh harrier Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pochard Wigeon Teal Moorhen Whooper swan Mute swan Tree sparrow Goldfinch

6 November 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes-7 at Lyle hide Great white egret Tree sparrow Moorhen Whooper swan Mute swan Gadwall Canada geese Wigeon Shoveler Mallard Pochard Snipe Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Goldfinch Dunlin Shelduck Kestrel Curlew-9 at Friends hide Great tit Scaup Red kite

5 November 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada goose Mallard Shoveler Wigeon Teal Pochard Moorhen Coot Great egret Little egret Grey heron Curlew (x12) Black-tailed godwit Redshank Ruff Snipe Cormorant Lapwing Goldfinch Tree sparrow House sparrow Great tit Blue ti

4 November 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada Goose Moorhen Mallard Shoveler Wigeon Teal Pochard Black-tailed godwit Ruff Snipe Curlew Golden plover (150 approx.) Lapwing Black-headed gull Kingfisher Cetti's warbler Tree sparrow House sparrow Goldfinch Great tit

3 November 2017

Sightings Thursday 2nd November

Sightings Thursday 2nd November

Overcast but dry start to the day, all hides and Summer walk remain open. Sightings so far today: Mute swan Whooper swan Pochard Shoveler Teal Wigeon Little egret Black-tailed godwit Golden plover Lapwing Long-tailed tit Tree sparrow Marsh harrier

2 November 2017