We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


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Latest sightings

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Black-winged stilts-2 males, 1 female on Lady Fen Little ringed plover Grey plover Common tern Pochard Shelduck Shoveler Avocet Reed warbler Little egret Great white egret Redshank Gadwall Tufted duck Lapwing Tree sparrow Greylag geese Garganey Marsh harr

1 May 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

2 Black-winged stilt - Lady Fen, directly in front of the visitor centre Garganey - Friends Hide 3 Great white egret - 2 at Friends Hide, 1 at Reedbed Hide 2 Ringed plover - Lady Fen 3 Wheatear Corn bunting Cuckoo Dunlin Redshank Lapwing Swallow House mar

30 April 2017

Sightings Saturday 29th April

Sightings Saturday 29th April

Wonderful bright start to the day with Cranes heard calling on Lady fen. Black-winged stilt on Lady fen this morning (Photo Clive Baker) All hides apart from Allport hide are open Sightings today: Mute swan Whooper swan Canada goose Greylag goose Gadwall

29 April 2017

Spring migrants - spoonbill

Spring migrants - spoonbill

Spoonbill by Ray Mathias Spring migrants are passing through and dropping in at quite a pace now.  This spoonbill was on site for two days this week resting and feeding up on our wetlands.  Its distinctive flattened

28 April 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Wheatear Great white egret Shelduck Avocet Lapwing & chicks Redshank Black-tailed godwit Ruff Dunlin Egyptian goose Buzzard Swift Tufted duck Kestrel Shoveler Reed bunting Tree sparrow Moorhen & chicks Coot & chicks Whitethroat Marsh harrier C

28 April 2017

Spring migrants - wheatear

Spring migrants - wheatear

Wheatear by Bob Ellis A #Spring Special at WWT Welney, the wheatear; freshly arrived after spending their winter in Africa. These beautiful birds are often seen on the ground looking for insects to feed on, keep you e

27 April 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Common crane x 9 - Lady Fen Spotted redshank White wagtail Green Woodpecker Black-tailed Godwit Snipe Greylag Goose Redshank Tufted Duck Little Egret Shelduck Avocet Wheatear Great White Egret Teal Whooper Swan Swallow Swift Gadwall Shoveler Tree Sparrow

27 April 2017

9-11 May Gift shop closed for stock take

9-11 May Gift shop closed for stock take

From Tuesday 9 - Thursday 11 May the gift shop within the visitor centre at WWT Welney will be closed for the annual stock take.  This will not affect admissions or entry to the reserve, and all other areas of the visitor centre such as the cafe, pond ro

26 April 2017

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Spoonbill by Rachel Hazlehurst Spoonbill - Bank Farm (viewable from road) Swallows Swift Little ringed plover House martin Black-tailed godwit Great white egret Little egret Redshank Ruff Avocet Dunlin Tufted duck Gre

26 April 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Wheatear by Bob Ellis Little Egret Great White Egret Avocet Shelduck Lapwing Redshank Black-Tailed Godwit Little Ringed Plover House Martin Swallow Marsh Harrier Shoveler Teal Gadwall Pochard Mallard Wigeon Tufted Duc

25 April 2017

Main observatory works

Main observatory works

Aerial view of centre by Sky Vertical On Wednesday 26 April there will be works to the entrance of the main hide as we install the electric all-access door.  Access to the reserve will still be possible as well as to

25 April 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Avocets mating Garganey - male at Friends hide Sandwich Tern Swallow Swift House martin Whitethroat Cetti’s warbler Blackcap Reed warbler Sedge warbler Black-tailed godwit Moorhen + chicks Lapwing + chicks Coot + ch

24 April 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Ring ouzel - Lyle hide Swifts-2 at Friends hide Swallows House martin Whitethroat Cetti's warbler Reed warblers Sedge warblers Black-tailed godwit-60 Bar-tailed godwit Dunlin-24 Moorhen + chicks Lapwing + chicks Coot + chicks Avocet Cormorant Oystercatche

23 April 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Ring ouzel - Lyle hide Cetti's warbler Sedge warbler-x lots Reed bunting Skylark House sparrow Tree sparrow Goldfinch Blackbird Whitethroat Pied wagtail House martin Swallow Black-tailed godwit Bar-tailed godwit Redshank Greenshank Avocet Snipe Lapwing Li

22 April 2017



Kingfisher by Bob Ellis All winter we had a male kingfisher as a regular sighting, particularly on the ponds around our visitor centre.  This spring he has found a mate and they can regularly be seen from several of

21 April 2017