We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


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Latest sightings

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Snipe-20 Ringed plover-2 Dunlin-4 Ruff-7 Crane-3 flew west late morning Wigeon-78 Shoveler Teal Meadow pipit Yellow wagtail Sand martin Marsh harrier Buzzard Kestrel Greylag geese-311 Kingfisher-Lady fen Black-tailed godwit Chiffchaff Little egret

17 September 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes x 3 still on site Ruff Snipe increasing in number Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Marsh harrier

16 September 2016

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Cranes-3 at Lyle hide Ruff Snipe Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Curlew sandpiper Dunlin Heron Hobby Buzzard Marsh harrier Yellow wagtail Goldfinch Reed warbler

15 September 2016

Main observatory management works planned

Main observatory management works planned

On Wednesday 14th September there will be disturbance in front of the main observatory  due to management works to the pools and the wildlife cameras.  This shouldn’t disturb the wildlife at any of our other hides.  We apologise for any inconveni

12 September 2016

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

The 3 Cranes flew west of the Main Observatory again this morning at @ 11am Lots of Yellow wagtails  around the cattle and around the hides Ruff-64 Dunlin-3 Golden plover-on Lady fen Lapwing Snipe Ringed plover-2 juv Shoveler Teal Wigeon Hobby-2 ad 1 j

12 September 2016

Todays Highlights

Todays Highlights

Cranes -  2 adults, 1 juv flew to west part of reserve Reed warblers Blackcap -  female Marsh harrier - 3 Kingfisher Yellow wagtail Meadow pipit Kestrel Buzzard Snipe Ruff - 35 Common sandpiper Green sandpiper - 2 Black-tailed godwit Greylag geese Dunli

11 September 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Black-tailed godwit-16 Ruff-39 Snipe-17 Green sandpiper-2 Common sandpiper-1 Dunlin-3 Water rail-juv at Main Observatory Wigeon-5 Little egret Chiffchaff Yellow wagtail-7

10 September 2016

Todays Highlights

Todays Highlights

Cranes x 3 Osprey Ruff Lapwing Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Snipe Yellow wagtail Marsh harrier

9 September 2016

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Crane x 3 - Lyle Hide Temmincks Stint- Friends Little Stint - Friends Greenshank Green Sandpiper Peregrine Falcon Hobby Ruff Little Ringed Plover

4 September 2016

Sigthings Saturday 3rd September

Sigthings Saturday 3rd September

All hides and Summer walk are open apart from Allport hide which remains closed. Temminck's stint Little stint (Both of above can be seen from Lyle hide feeding together this morning) Common sandpiper Greenshank Green sandpiper Little ringed plover Ringed

3 September 2016

Today's highlights - cranes

Today's highlights - cranes

Cranes The family of three cranes are back again today, seen feeding in front of the main observatory this morning. Green sandpiper Marsh harrier Hobby

1 September 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Little stint - 1 Crane - 3 (Lyle hide) Green sandpiper - 6 Common sandpiper - 4 Dunlin Avocet

31 August 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Crane - 1 between Lyle & Friends hides Wood sandpiper - 1 Lyle hide Green sandpiper - 3 Common sandpiper - 4 Dunlin Ruff - 35 Main observatory Black-tailed godwit - 8 Snipe Willow warbler Garden warbler Whitethroat Reed warbler Sedge warbler Marsh har

30 August 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes flew in again this morning-2 adults and a juvenile at Lyle Hide Curlew sandpiper- also at Lyle hide Ringed plover Ruff-20 Green sandpiper Snipe-5 Common sandpiper-2 at Main Observatory Dunlin House martins wheeling round the Centre building Turtle

29 August 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes-3 ad + 1 juv at Lyle hide Green sandpiper - Main Observatory Common sandpiper Ruff -20 Avocets -5 Snipe Marsh harrier-harrying the crane Hobby Yellow wagtail-60

28 August 2016