We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


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Latest sightings

Sightings Thursday 25th August

Sightings Thursday 25th August

Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Ruff Snipe Black-tailed Godwit Greenshank Lapwing Ringed plover Golden plover (87 on main lagoon) Wigeon Teal Mallard Gadwall Little egret Kingfisher Hobby Marsh harrier Tree sparrow Goldfinch Yellow wagtail

25 August 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Tree sparrow and young by Gill McCoy A dozen Golden plover flew in to Main Observatory pool at 2pm today Greenshank - Lady Fen Common sandpiper-Friends and Main obs Green sandpiper-Friends and Main obs Whooper swan pa

22 August 2016

Rare sawfly found

Rare sawfly found

Willow sawfly larvae by Annabelle Hammond Earlier this month our volunteer, Annabelle Hammond, found this awesome caterpillar whilst managing some of the willow.  It turned out to be a very rare species called the wi

22 August 2016

Water at Friends pool

Water at Friends pool

Water levels are now back to normal on our Friends pool.  This addition of water over the top of freshly rotivated mud will be a combination that birds will find hard to resist! Plenty of feeding opportunities for hungry travellers, it will be interestin

19 August 2016

House martin & swallow spectacle

House martin & swallow spectacle

The house martins and swallows have had a busy breeding season on the reserve this summer; but it's not over yet! Juveniles from early broods are now feeding on the wing alongside the adults.  They can't roost in the nests as there is not enough room, so

18 August 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Dunlin-3 on Lady Fen Greenshank Ruff-26 Black-tailed godwit-24 Redshank-3 Green sandpiper-4 Reed warbler Sedge warbler Swallows House martins Yellow wagtail Greylag geese Lapwing Starling Marsh harrier Little egret-27 Snipe-4 kingfisher

18 August 2016

Reserve management works

Reserve management works

Currently the water levels have been lowered on the pools in front of our Nelson-Lyle, Lyle and Friends hides.  This is to allow the reserve team access to create the prefect conditions for birds passing through in late summer and autumn, as well as bird

15 August 2016

Sightings Monday 15th August

Sightings Monday 15th August

Greenshank Redshank Green sandpiper Common sandpiper RuffDunlin Black-tailed godwit Snipe Little egret Kingfisher Sand martin House martin Swallow Yellow wagtail Pied wagtail Reed warbler Willow warbler Linnet Stock dove Peregrine Kestrel

15 August 2016

Sightings Sunday 14th August

Sightings Sunday 14th August

Wood sandpiper Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Ruff Snipe Redshank Lapwing Little egret Kingfisher Hobby Marsh harrier Buzzard Kestrel

15 August 2016

Sightings Saturday 13th August

Sightings Saturday 13th August

Wood sandpiper Common sandpiper Greeen sandpiper Ruff Redshank Blacktailed godwit Snipe Little egret Garganey Yellow wagtail Marsh harrier Kestrel  

15 August 2016

Today's sightings Friday 12th August

Today's sightings Friday 12th August

Cranes - 3 (2 Adults 1 Juv) - Lyle hide Great white Egret Little egret Golden plover Wood Sandpiper Green Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Dunlin Black-tailed godwit Ruff Redshank Snipe Yellow wagtail Pied wagtail Kestrel Hobby Marsh harrier Buzzard

12 August 2016

Sightings August 11th

Sightings August 11th

Despite the wet and overcast start to the day there have been quite a few sightings on Lady Fen and the washes. Little stint Ruff Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Snipe (15 on Lady fen) Black-tailed godwit Golden plover (31 on washes) Redshank Little egre

11 August 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Wood sandpiper Green sandpiper Common sandpiper Great white egret Little egret Redshank Teal Heron Whooper swans and 2 cygnets Mute swans Mallard and new ducklings Moorhen Coot Great crested grebe Ruff Kingfisher Kestrel Peregrine Black headed gulls Pied

8 August 2016

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Main Observatory:- Wood sandpiper Common sandpiper Green sandpipers Hobby Sparrowhawk Marsh harrier Peregrine Lady Fen:- Ruff-5 Redshank Lapwing Snipe-15 Lots of Painted ladies Migrant Hawker

7 August 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Lady Fen:- Ruff Snipe Redshank Green sandpiper Little egret -26 Main Observatory:- Wood sandpiper Green sandpiper-3 Common sandpiper Kingfisher Common tern Mallard with new ducklings Hobby Peregrine nearly caught a kingfisher Ruff-5 Whooper swan and 2 cyg

6 August 2016