We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


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Latest sightings

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Mute swan and cygnets Lady Fen is looking fantastic in the sunshine, the pool nearest the centre is teaming with new life: Mute swan pair with seven cygnets Shoveler with ducklings Lapwing with chicks Redshank with ch

5 June 2016

Todays Highlights

Todays Highlights

Cranes x 2 Gadwall Little ringed plover Avocet Greylag geese Little egret Redshank chicks Lapwing chicks Shelduck Tufted Duck Broad-bodied chaser Branded demoiselle Bluetail Damselfly Azure Damselfly Common blue Damselfly

28 May 2016

Cranes and other highlights

Cranes and other highlights

Crane - 2 feeding, bugling and being mobbed by lapwing on Lady Fen.  Great views from the centre.  They took off shortly after heading over the back to the reserve. Redshank and chicks - multiple pairs across Lady Fen Lapwing and chicks - several across

27 May 2016

Bridge ramp maintenance 23-25 May

Bridge ramp maintenance 23-25 May

The ramp at the reserve end of the bridge is being repaired Mon 23 - Wed 25 May.  There will only be access to the reserve via the steps down from the bridge. We apologise for any inconvenience caused, but have scheduled these dates so as to avoid the ba

20 May 2016

Sightings 19th May

Sightings 19th May

Misty start to the day but lokks as if may lift soon. All hides open apart from Allport, all paths open apart from Summer walk. Little ringed plover Black-tailed godwit Avocet Redshank Oystercatcher Garganey Gadwall Pochard Shoveler Shelduck Tufted duck W

19 May 2016

Sightings Wednesday 18th May

Sightings Wednesday 18th May

Damp start to the day but plenty to see from our Wigeon Cafe this morning: Tree sparrow Reed warbler Swift Swallow House martin Garganey Gadwall Shoveler Tufted duck Shelduck Avocet Redshank Oystercather Little ringed plover Lapwing Little egret Kingfishe

18 May 2016

Todays highlights

Todays highlights

Black tern - 2 (Friends hide) Garganey - 4 Avocet

16 May 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Tree sparrows-4 on feeders by café Moorhen and chicks Lapwing and chicks-Lady fen Black terns-2 at back of Main Observatory pool Garganey male- in front of Main Obs Cuckoo female Common sandpiper Little ringed plover Ringed plover-3 Yellow wagtail Redsha

14 May 2016

Todays highlights

Todays highlights

Great white egret by Bob Ellis Temminck's stint - 1 (Nelson-Lyle hide) Curlew sandpiper - 2 (Friends hide) Great whie egret - 1 (Lyle hide) Snipe - 18 drumming in total from breeding bird surveys in the early morning

6 May 2016

Todays highlights

Todays highlights

Great white egret by Bob Ellis Garganey - 4 Great white egret - 1 Snipe - 9 drumming recorded on the breeding bird survey Dunlin Little ringed plover Wheatear

5 May 2016

Todays highlights

Todays highlights

Corn bunting by Bob Ellis Curlew sandpiper - 1 Giant white egret - 1 Wheatear - 5 Dunlin - 57 Plenty of activity today in the sunshine.  The moorhen and chicks on the front pond are often sheltering in the reeds at t

4 May 2016

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Wheatear by Bob Ellis Cuckoo Garganey Great white egret Greenshank Wheatear Swift Corn bunting

3 May 2016

A fantastic week over 100 bird species @WWTWelney

A fantastic week over 100 bird species @WWTWelney

A great week at WWT Welney lots of spring migrants and our first lapwing chicks! This weeks totals - 103 species Little grebe Great crested grebe Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag goose Canada goose Shelduck Wigeon Teal Shoveler Gadwall Mallard Garganey

1 May 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Great white egret Wheatear Spotted redshank Greenshank Little-ringed plover Garganey Ringed plover Dunlin Swift

1 May 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Great white egret Short-eared owl Corn bunting Wheatear Dunlin Little-ringed plover Ringed Plover Tree sparrow Swift

30 April 2016