We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


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Latest sightings

Sightings Friday 29th April

Sightings Friday 29th April

Whimbrel Avocet Little-ringed plover Ringed plover Balck-tailed godwit Dunlin Oystercatcher Redshank Lapwing (chicks) Great white egret (2) Garganey Gadwall Tufted duck Shoveler Shelduck Swift Swallow House Martin Sand Martin Wheatear Tree sparrow Corn bu

29 April 2016

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Great white egret fishing in front of Nelson-Lyle hide by John Cheney Todays sightings Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Canada goose Shelduck Wigeon Teal Gadwall Mallard Tufted duck Garganey - 4 Shoveler Black-hea

27 April 2016

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Todays sightings Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Canada goose Shelduck Wigeon Teal Gadwall Mallard Tufted duck Garganey - 4 Shoveler Black-headed gull Common gull Lesser black-backed gull Cormorant Little egret GREAT WHITE EGRET Grey heron Avocet Li

26 April 2016

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Todays sightings Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Canada goose Shelduck Wigeon Teal Gadwall Mallard Tufted duck Garganey - 4 Shoveler Black-headed gull Common gull Lesser black-backed gull Cormorant Little egret GREAT WHITE EGRET Grey heron Avocet Li

25 April 2016

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Todays sightings Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Canada goose Shelduck Wigeon Teal Gadwall Mallard Tufted duck Garganey - 4 Shoveler Black-headed gull Common gull Lesser black-backed gull Cormorant Little egret GREAT WHITE EGRET Grey heron Avocet Li

24 April 2016

Sightings Thursday 21 April

Sightings Thursday 21 April

Bar-tailed godwit Bar-tailed godwit - 1 (Lady Fen right in front of the visitor centre) Jack snipe - 1 (North of Friends hide) Greenshank Avocet Black-tailed godwit Little ringed plover Ringed plover Oystercatcher Red

21 April 2016

Breeding bird surveys begin

Breeding bird surveys begin

Over the next three months the reserve team will be busy recording and monitoring all the breeding bird activity on our wetlands. This morning saw the start of the first breeding bird survey (BBS), and what a wonderful start to the season.  Not a breath

20 April 2016

Sightings Monday 18th April

Sightings Monday 18th April

Yellow wagtail by Roger Rawson Tufted duck Gadwall Wigeon Teal Shoveler Shelduck Mallard Avocet Little ringed plover Ringed plover Dunlin Oystercatcher Redshank Snipe Lapwing Little egret Crane (2 Seen flying North to

18 April 2016

Sightings Sunday 17th April

Sightings Sunday 17th April

Tree sparrow Swallow Mistle thrush Yellow wagtail White wagtail Pied wagtail Avocet Black-tailed godwit Oystercatcher Little ringed plover Redshank Gadwall Barn owl  

18 April 2016

Sightings Saturday 16th April

Sightings Saturday 16th April

Shelduck Shoveler Teal Pintail Pochard Tufted duck Gadwall Mallard Garganey Great crested grebe Willow warbler Sedge warblerChiffchaff Cetti's warbler Whitethroat Blackcap Swallow House martin Curlew sandpiper Avocet Redshank Lapwing Golden plover Black-t

18 April 2016

Sightings Tuesday April 12th

Sightings Tuesday April 12th

Bar-tailed godwit Black-tailed godwit Spotted redshank Redshank Curlew Oystercatcher Little ringed plover Lapwing Golden plover Snipe Avocet (67) Pochard Tufted Duck Pintail Gadwall Mallard Wigeon Teal Shoveler Garganey Sparrowhawk Barn owl

12 April 2016

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

It was a fantastic day today as the warden team went out to count all of the birds on the reserve as part of this months Wetland Bird Survey. Here is what was seen: Great crested grebe 5 Cormorant 29 Little egret 4 Grey heron 13 Mute swan 77 Whooper swan

11 April 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Garganey Curlew Black-tailed godwit Snipe Little-ringed plover Avocet Cetti's warbler Sedge warbler Redshank Oystercatcher Little egret

10 April 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Spoonbill Smew- female Curlew Black-tailed godwit Snipe Cetti's warbler Avocet Little ringed plover

9 April 2016



There is currently a spoonbill here at WWT Welney. It is on our Lady Fen area this morning so is visible from our café and visitor centre.

9 April 2016