We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


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Latest sightings

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

A foggy start which has given the site an ethereal feel. A few more summer migrants have dropped in, including sedge warblers that fantastic robotic call! . Chiffchaffs are singing along the footpaths and avocets mating in front of the hides.   Also a

8 April 2016

Sightings Thursday 7th April

Sightings Thursday 7th April

All hides are open apart from Allport. Treesparrow Reed bunting Goldfinch Chaffinch Pied Wagtail Yellow Wagtail (5 together on Lady fen) Skylark Mute Swan Greylag Garganey Wigeon Shoveler Shelduck Mallard Coot Moorhen Common gull Lesser black-backed gull

7 April 2016

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Sunny spells today which has lead to some very dramatic skies! lovely to sit in the main observatory and watch the hale pass and then followed by a fantastic sunny spell. Chiffchaffs are singing along the footpaths and avocets mating in front of the hid

6 April 2016

Sightings Monday 4th April

Sightings Monday 4th April

All hides are open apart from Allport and the dragonfly ponds. Avocet Little ringed plover Dunlin Snipe Redshank Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Golden plover Gadwall Teal Wigeon Shelduck Shoveler Lesser black-backed gull Common gull Little egre

4 April 2016

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

A beautiful day on the reserve the first few swallows are hunting over the ponds, 2 lovely male yellow wagtail are showing off their magnificent yellow feathers on Lady Fen which can be seen from the café and chiffchaffs are singing in the bushes.

3 April 2016

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

A beautiful day on the reserve the first few swallows are hunting over the ponds, a lovely male yellow wagtail is showing off his magnificent yellow feathers on the bank standing proudly on a mole hill, chiffchaffs are singing in the bushes and avocets a

2 April 2016

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

A beautiful day on the reserve the first few swallows are hunting over the ponds, chiffchaffs are singing in the bushes and avocets are mating infront of the main observatory.  Also a moorhen has chosen to next on the pond between the car park and the v

1 April 2016

Sightings Thursday 31st March

Sightings Thursday 31st March

Black-tailed godwit (4 x limosa, 100 x islandica) Avocet (30)Curlew Littled ringed plover (4) Redshank Oystercatcher Lapwing Golden plover (Lady fen) Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Wigeon Pintail Shelduck Shoveler Teal Mallard Tufted duck Gadwall Crow Roo

31 March 2016

Sightings for Wednesday 30th March

Sightings for Wednesday 30th March

Crane (flying South along wash from friends) Black-tailed godwit Oystercatcher Little egret Little ringed plover Ringed plover Avocet Redshank Golden plover Curlew Mute swan Whooper Greylag Gadwall Teal Pintail Wigeon Tufted duck Shoveler Shelduck Mallard

30 March 2016

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Little ringed plover - 1 (First one of summer) Avocet Curlew Snipe Black-tailed godwit Redshank Lapwing Goldeneye Pochard Tufted duck Pintail Wigeon Gadwall Shoveler Shelduck Mallard Cetti's warbler Skylark

26 March 2016

Sightings Wednesday 23rd March

Sightings Wednesday 23rd March

Great White Egret (Lady fen) Little egret Redshank Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Ringed plover Golden plover Lapwing Avocet Treesparrow (feeders) Cettis warbler Chiffchaff (carpark) Skylark Reedbunting Gadwall Wigeon Teal Shoveler Common Gull

23 March 2016

Sightings Monday 21st March

Sightings Monday 21st March

Water levels are now dropping all hides are open except for Reedbed and Allport. Sightings for today are: Chiffchaff (heard in carpark) Treesparrow Reedbunting Greenfinch Goldfinch Skylark Avocet Golden plover Lapwing Oystercatcher Black-tailed godwit Red

21 March 2016

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Great white egret Golden plover Lapwing Redshank Sparrowhawk Tree sparrow

18 March 2016

Water levels

Water levels

Water levels on the reserve are continuing to drop. The Welney Wash Road section of the A1101 is now open as there is no water on the road. We are now gradually opening access to our footpaths; with Nelson-Lyle, Lyle and Friends hides accessible if you a

18 March 2016

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Merlin- on lady fen Dunlin Black-tailed godwit Hairy-footed flower bee Sparrowhawk Teal Shoveler Wigeon Oystercatcher Redshank Marsh harrier Buff-tailed bumblebee

17 March 2016