We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


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Latest sightings

January WeBS Count

January WeBS Count

A beautiful day for a Wetland Bird Survey on the washes.  Louise and Katy went out surveying the birds using WWT Welney.  The count includes: Great-crested grebe - 3 Cormorant - 1 Grey heron - 5 Mute swan 51 Whooper swan - 88 (a count during the day tot

19 January 2015

Reserve access

Reserve access

Wellies by Nick Cottrell Wellies are now needed to access Lyle and Nelson-Lyle hides.  We have had to close Friends and Reedbed hides today due to increasing water levels on the footpaths leading to them. Water level

18 January 2015

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Highlights Barn owl - 5 Goldeneye - 4 Black-tailed godwit - 500 Pochard - 300 Highlights from yesterday's arable swan count: Hen harrier - 1 male flying West over northern Ouse Washes Red Kite - 1 Marsh harrier - 2 Buzzard - 2 close to the Ouse Washes

17 January 2015

Dawn Swan Count - International Swan Census

Dawn Swan Count - International Swan Census

This weekend is the International Swan Census.  This morning we went out to count the number of swans using the Ouse Washes to roost on.  This mornings count: Bewick's swans - 2833 Whooper swans - 2091 Most of the Bewick's were infront of Friend's hide

16 January 2015

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

A beautiful day at WWT Welney today with plenty of black-tailed godwit, ruff, dunlin and redshank feeding and sleeping to the right of the observatory.  Then creating beautiful murmurations in the sky when a bird of prey flies over. Todays highlights inc

14 January 2015

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Buzzard by Adam Finch Buzzard - 1 very pale individual normally along the road North of the centre Main observatory 1400 black-tailed godwits 150 Dunlin 18 Ruff 1 Curlew 1 Redshank The next reserve count (WeBS) is due

13 January 2015

Daily sightings

Daily sightings

Main observatory 1400  black-tailed godwit 170 dunlin 14 ruff 10 goldeneye - 6 male, 4 female 2 great-crested grebe Nelson-Lyle 14 curlew

11 January 2015

Daily sightings

Daily sightings

Main observatory  black-tailed godwit dunlin ruff golden plover Lyle hide 19 curlew Reserve tundra bean geese Hare walk 6 hares      

10 January 2015

daily sightings

daily sightings

1 green-winged teal 72 dunlin 17 ruff 18 hares on Mondays Hare Walk

6 January 2015

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Main observatory Green-winged teal - 1 Teal Wigeon Shoveler Pintail Gadwall Goldeneye Pochard Tufted duck Mallard Coot Whooper swan Mute Swan Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Redshank Curlew

1 January 2015

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Lyle hide Green-winged teal Main observatory Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Redshank Curlew Teal Shoveler Pintail Pochard Tufted duck Whooper swan Mute swan Hare walk Ruff-legged buzzard Barn owl - 2 Hares - 10

31 December 2014

Daily sightings

Daily sightings

Green winged teal - nelson lyle hide Merlin Goldeneye 11 hares on the hare walk

30 December 2014

Daily Sightings

Daily Sightings

The reserves looking fantastic this morning, with relatively low water levels drawing in large flocks of ducks around all the hides. No sign of the reported green-winged teal from yesterday yet though but a noticeable increase in goldeneye with up to 10

28 December 2014

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Summer walk sunset Each day the flight in of the swans between sunset and dusk is an unmissable spectacle.  Tonight from Reedbed hide hundreds of swans flew back from the arable land in front of an orange and red sky

20 December 2014

Daily sightings

Daily sightings

Black-tailed godwit  600+ from main observatory Dunlin  27  main obs Marsh harrier -female  1 Bewick's swan  8 in front of main observatory

13 December 2014