We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


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Latest sightings

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

The water vole on the front pool has been seen today, it's been feeding on the reeds. You can tell a water vole has been eating the reeds as there is a 45 degree cut out of it. This water vole has created a feeding platform which it sits on to eat its ree

6 July 2014

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Green sandpiper x4 Black-tailed godwits x47 Little grebe Dragonfly sightings Southern hawker Emperor dragonfly Ruddy darter Scarce chaser Broad-bodied chaser Blue-tailed damselfly Red-eyed damselfly Azure damselfly Common blue damselfly Brown hawker Butte

5 July 2014

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Barn owl on the summer walk Lady Fen Sparrowhawk (male) Kestrel Marsh harrier (female) Main Observatory Greenshank x4 Green sandpiper x3 Common sandpiper Black-tailed godwit x60 Avocet fledglings Lapwing fledglings Redshank fledglings Little ringed plover

4 July 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Green sandpiper x3 Black-tail godwits x50

2 July 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Swallow fledgling Main observatory Black-tailed godwit - 30 Ruff - 1 Avocets and chicks Common tern chicks - 2 Swallow fledglings - 8 on the hand rails at the back of the hide

30 June 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Swallow by Susie Haynes Main observatory Common tern - 4 Green sandpiper - 1 Avocet - 5 Redshank Lapwing Teal Mallard House martins Swallows with three chicks part way through fledging Nelson-Lyle Hide Avocets Lapwing

28 June 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Swallow chicks by Susie Haynes Main observatory Garganey Mallard Mute swan Whooper swan (resident birds) Coot Little ringed plover - 2 Redshank Oystercatcher Common tern - 2 adult; 1 juvenile Pied wagtail House martin

25 June 2014

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

A beautiful day at WWT Welney with plenty of young and fledgling birds around from the moorhens feeding chicks in the front pool to blackbirds taking their first flights outside reedbed hide.  Grazing Officer Shaun whilst off checking the cows on Lady Fe

19 June 2014

Today on the reserve

Today on the reserve

After a damp start we had a beautiful day at WWT Welney with lots of fledged birds now flying around the reserve including redshank, lapwings and swallows. The moorhens on the pond in front of the centre have had another brood of chicks.  The chicks from

18 June 2014

Out on the reserve

Out on the reserve

After a wet start many of the birds were sheltering from the rain but come opening time activity resumed with lots of chicks and ducklings feeding out on the pools.  Today was a great day for insects with lots of dragonflies and bees including: Blue-tail

14 June 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Avocet juvenile Main observatory Common sandpiper - 1 Kingfisher - 1 Cuckoo - 1 Avocet - 4 with 3 chicks, some of these are getting quite large now and looking rather like miniature versions of mum and dad. Little rin

9 June 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Common tern The avocet pair from Lady Fen have relocated to the main lagoon.  An early morning hike for the chicks including crossing the car park, the road, climbing the bank, swimming the Hundred Foot Drain, walkin

6 June 2014

Great white egret

Great white egret

Great white egret by volunteer David Fotherby Great white egret - 1, showing well from the Nelson-Lyle hide today, feeding alongside herons which is useful to give the size comparison. Hobby - 1 Lady Fen Little egret

5 June 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Reed warbler fledglings being fed Visitor centre ponds Reed warbler and two recently fledged chicks Moorhen and young chicks Large moorhen chicks from first brood also around edge of pond Lady Fen Shelduck and ducklin

4 June 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

A great day to see breeding waders today with lots of adults and chicks in front of the hides.  The swallows and house martins are incubating eggs or feeding small chicks and the reedbeds are alive with the sounds of reed warblers, sedge warblers and ree

2 June 2014