We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


Close alert

Latest sightings

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Water vole - 1 (possibly 2) on the pond between the visitor centre and the car park, sat in the reeds on a fresh reed platform! Lady Fen Yellow wagtail - 3 Lapwing chicks Pond dipping stations With this spring being warmer than last year we are already se

15 April 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Greenshank - 1 Some additional sightings from yesterday:- Black-tailed godwit - 2500 Avocet  -54 Dunlin - 20 Little ringed plover - 3 pairs Ringed plover - 2 Sedge warbler - 1 Willow warbler - 1 Yellow wagtail - 1 Buzzard - 1

11 April 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Reedbed hide Willow warbler Main hide Greenshank - 1 Visitor centre ponds Sedge warbler - 1 Little grebe - 1

10 April 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Spotted redshank - 1 Dunlin - 78 Black-tailed godwits - 600 Swallow - 1 Yellow wagtail - 2 (the first of the year) Little ringed plover - 4 Snipe - 2 Black-tailed godwits wickering Crane calling Teal - 2080 Wigeon - 200 Shoveler - 25 Pintail - 20 Gadwall

9 April 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Little ringed plover - 2 Snipe Avocet Redshank Lapwing Wigeon Tufted duck Teal Shoveler Gadwall Shelduck

6 April 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Little ringed plover - 4 Black-tailed godwit Avocet Lapwing Redshank Garganey Gadwall Wigeon Pintail Teal Shoveler Tufted Duck Little egret

5 April 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Lady Fen Peregrine - 1 Stoat - 1 on Lady Fen and near the visitor centre

2 April 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Great white egret - 1 (Reedbed hide) Little ringed plover - 3 Ruff Dunlin Gadwall Wigeon

31 March 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Redshank Main observatory Little ringed plover - 2 Avocet - 12 Oystercatcher - 4 Redshank Lapwing Black-tailed godwit Gadwall Wigeon Shoveler Tufted duck Shelduck Shelduck

29 March 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Great white egret - 1 (favouring the ditches in front of Nelson-Lyle hide) Main observatory Little ringed plover - 1 Bewick's swan - 1 (briefly at lunchtime) Lyle hide Goldeneye - 2 Pintail - 28 Little grebe - 1 Great crested grebe - 6 Throughout the whol

27 March 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Avocet Main observatory Avocet - 40 (most of them were in a huddle, but some pairs came as close as the front island on the lagoon, whilst feeding) Redshank Ruff Oystercatcher Lapwing Teal Wigeon Shoveler Mallard Litt

26 March 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Great white egret From Lyle hide at 4pm Great white egret - 1 Garganey - 1 Marsh harrier - 1               Garganey

25 March 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Seal Garganey - 1 (Nelson-Lyle hide) Little ringed plover - 1 Snipe Ruff Peregrine - 1 It feels like the start of spring again this morning, with wading birds calling across the reserve and plenty of ducks still on al

24 March 2014

Summer arrivals

Summer arrivals

We have had our first male wheatear on site today.  Sitting on a fence post on Lady Fen (next to the visitor centre).  The reserve and Lady Fen are packed with birds; waders like avocet, redshank and lapwing that are displaying, mating and making their

20 March 2014

Wetland Birds Survey (WeBS)

Wetland Birds Survey (WeBS)

Volunteer doing WeBs count Goldeneye - 2 Ruddy shelduck - 1 Ruff - 3 Great crested grebe - 22 Cormorant - 68 Little egret - 40 Grey heron - 21 Mute swan - 64 Whooper swan - 139 Greylag goose - 20 Canada goose - 1 Wige

18 March 2014