We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


Close alert

Latest sightings

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Water rail - 1 Buzzard - 1 Barn owl - 2

14 January 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Bewick's swans - 20 (19adults and 1 cygnet) flew in to the reserve just after 4pm a short distance out from the main hide.  This was the best view of Bewick's we've had in recent weeks. Glossy ibis - 1 (flew past visitor centre this afternoon) Little egr

10 January 2014

Dawn swan count

Dawn swan count

WWT Welney Bewick's swan - 1073 Whooper swan - 2989 Ouse washes total Bewick's swan - 1073 Whooper swan - 4481

7 January 2014

Reserve count

Reserve count

Wigeon - 2603 Teal - 596 Pochard - 287 Tufted duck - 84 Pintail - 39 Shoveler - 22 Gadwall - 18 Lapwing - 7678 (in the farmland just outside the Ouse washes) Golden plover - 920 Redshank - 18 Curlew - 10 Snipe - 8 Little gull - 1 Marsh harrier - 6 Short-e

6 January 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Water rail - 1 (pools near bird feeding station) Barn owl - 2 Sparrowhawk - 1 Gadwall Teal Wigeon Pochard Tufted duck Grest crested grebe - 2 Curlew Golden plover Lapwing Green woodpecker - 1

5 January 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Goldeneye - 2 males at the far side of the reserve from the main hide Golden plover Black-tailed godwit Lapwing

3 January 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Merlin Barn owl Marsh harrier Pintail Wigeon Pochard Shoveler Tufted duck Lapwing Golden plover

2 January 2014

Tick & twitch

Tick & twitch

So far on our New Year's bird list we have: Barn owl - 1 Marsh harrier - 1 Whooper swan Mute swan Mallard Wigeon Teal Pochard Tufted duck Shoveler Canada goose Greylag goose Moorhen Coot Curlew Golden plover Lapwing Wren Great tit Chaffinch Pied wagtail

1 January 2014

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

A huge flock of over 1000 lapwing and golden plover have been using the pools of water on Lady Fen and the ploughed field next to it this morning.  This bodes well for bird of prey activity. Over 400 swans have started to use these pools to roost on at n

31 December 2013

Water levels

Water levels

The main hide is now the only hide accessible on the reserve, swan feeds are carrying on as normal but you cannot get access to any further hides.  The A1101 between Welney village and Suspension Bridge is also now closed so if you are travelling from th

28 December 2013

Water levels

Water levels

Water levels have risen over the last week and we have today had to close the Reedbed hide.  All other hides remain open, with wellies advised along the footpaths.  The main lagoon has been brilliant for birds over the last couple of days, with over 200

27 December 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Buzzard - 1 Curlew - 14 (on land next to the visitor centre) Good numbers of lapwing, golden plover and black-tailed godwit are still present on the shallow flooded washes towards the opposite side of the reserve to the hides.  Good numbers of pochard on

22 December 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Buzzard - 2 Marsh harrier - 2 Sparrowhawk - 2 Green woodpecker - visitor centre

21 December 2013

Ouse washes are looking fantastic

Ouse washes are looking fantastic

Water levels on the reserve are brilliant at the moment encouraging flocks of waders and ducks to use the wet grassland and splashes of water.  The flight in of Bewick's swans as the light fades on the reserve is not to be missed from Reedbed hide.  We

17 December 2013

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS)

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS)

Wigeon - 4175 Mallard - 1362 Teal - 1253 Pochard - 106 Pintail - 46 Shoveler - 43 Gadwall - 37 Tufted duck - 11 Lapwing - 4015 Black-tailed godwit - 1400 Golden plover - 905 Curlew - 12 Dunlin - 6 Ruff - 6 Snipe - 2 Redshank - 2 Peregrine - 2 Marsh harrie

16 December 2013