We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


Close alert

Latest sightings

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Merlin - 1 Buzzard - 1 Marsh harrier - 1

16 November 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Glossy Ibis - Lyle Hide

13 November 2013

Dawn Swan Count 12/11/13

Dawn Swan Count 12/11/13

Whooper Swan - 2982 Bewick's Swan - 346

13 November 2013

Wetland Bird Survey

Wetland Bird Survey

Cormorant - 28 Little Egret - 1 Heron - 2 Mute Swan - 84 Bewick's Swan - 2 Whooper Swan 37 Greylag - 179 Canada Goose - 117 Wigeon - 4398 Gadwall - 18 Teal - 1360 Mallard - 1002 Pintail - 132 Shoveler - 139 Pochard - 412 Tufted Duck - 43 Coot - 81 Lapwing

13 November 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Peregrine - 1 Brambling - 2 (in amongst the chaffinches on beneath the bird feeding station) Curlew Lapwing Pochard - 200 (a large influx of pochaed has taken place over the last couple of days). Pintail - 20 Shoveler - 20 Wigeon Teal

9 November 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Little grebe - 1 Goosander - 1 (female) Pintail

7 November 2013

Ringed swans at WWT Welney

Ringed swans at WWT Welney

A few more swans have been identified on the reserve this morning and out in the fields during the day. J9V (Yellow ring) - Old Bedford, a male swan ringed at WWT Welney in 2007 and a winter regular ever since. J57 (yellow ring) - a male swan ringed in Ic

6 November 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Glossy ibis - 1 (main observatory moving from main lagoon to far side of reserve) Peregrine - 1

6 November 2013

Ringed swans at WWT Welney

Ringed swans at WWT Welney

It's that time of year again where we welcome back some familiar faces to WWT Welney Wetland Centre in the form of ringed whooper and Bewick's swans.  In amongst the crowds of birds we hope to be able to continue the stories of those swans that have at s

5 November 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Whooper swans - now up to 2000 most are feeding in field to the West of the Ouse washes near Tipps End and Lakes EndBewick's swans - up to 25 individuals Golden plover Lapwing Snipe Pochard numbers are increasing as well as other wintering wildfowl as the

5 November 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Glossy ibis - 1 Red-crested pochard pair Marsh harrier - 3 Peregrine Lapwing - 100 Black-tailed godwit - 60 Ruff - 5 Pintail - 10 Shoveler - 40 Pochard - 40 Meadow pipit - 6

3 November 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Glossy ibis - 1 Bewick's swan - 25 on the main lagoon at the evening feed Peregrine - 1 Marsh harrier Pintail Fieldfare

1 November 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Peregrine - 1 Merlin - 1 Bewick's swan - 1 (main lagoon from 3pm) Fieldfare - 100

31 October 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Peregrine 1 Short-eared Owl 1 Wheatear 1

29 October 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Glossy Ibis (1 main obs)

28 October 2013