We are open with the following access: Main hide to all visitors including scooters users, no further hides open.
All Lady Fen trails open - stout walking boots advised.
Road access is possible direct from A10 at Littleport or A10 via Ten Mile Bank.


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Latest sightings

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Glossy Ibis (26/10) Great White Egret (26/10) Hen Harrier (26/10)

28 October 2013

VIDEO: The swan migration has begun

VIDEO: The swan migration has begun

[yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYyTpn3b0tM&list=PL56E14ACF00128299'] Hundreds of swans have arrived at WWT Welney Wetland Centre to spend the winter months in the Fens. Numbers will increase to 6,000 whooper swans and 3,000 Bewick's swans

24 October 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Peregrine - 1 Wigeon - 2000 Teal - 2000 Pintail Gadwall Shoveler Pochard In the fields around WWT Welney Wetland Centre there are flocks of Lapwing and Golden plover that are increasing in size.

23 October 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Glossy ibis by 11 year old James Stephenson Glossy ibis - 1 (on site from 3-4.15pm) Whooper swan - 500 Pochard - 18 Tufted duck - 3 Wigeon Shoveler Teal Pintail Gadwall Kingfisher Marsh harrier - 1 Green woodpecker

19 October 2013

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Around 220 Whooper Swans were counted from the main observatory early this morning, although the foggy conditions prevented an accurate count. Plenty of other wildfowl to see including lots of Wigeon, Teal and Shoveler. Four Pochard, four Barnacle Geese

18 October 2013

Bewick's arrival

Bewick's arrival

Bewick's at WWT Welney by Richard Dunn The first Bewick's swans have made the crossing from the Netherlands to arrive today at WWT Welney.  A couple of individuals have been seen on the main lagoon this afternoon. Ki

14 October 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Whooper swan numbers are increasing as are numbers of wigeon, shoveler, teal and gadwall. Black-tailed godwit Curlew Golden plover Ruff Marsh harrier - pair Meadow pipit Fieldfare

13 October 2013

First whooper swan family

First whooper swan family

The first family of whooper swans have arrive overnight and are on the main lagoon this morning resting and grazing.  The two adult birds are unringed but have with them three beautiful cygnets. We started to see the first few flocks in the surrounding f

10 October 2013

Whooper swan arrivals

Whooper swan arrivals

Whooper swan - 6 more have just arrived on the main lagoon.  With temperatures cooling towards the end of the week and the winds becoming more favourable we should expect to see more winter arrivals by the weekend. Pectoral sandpiper - 1 from the main ob

7 October 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Pectoral sandpiper - 1 Crane - 8 seen between Lyle and Friends hide Marsh harrier - 2 females Whooper swan - 8

6 October 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Pectoral sandpiper - 1 Snipe Black-tailed godwit Crane - 2 Whooper swan - 15

5 October 2013

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Crane - 2 (showing well from Friends hide) Pectoral Sandpiper - 1 (Main Observatory) Ringed Plover - 2 Common Buzzard - 2 Marsh Harrier - 1  

3 October 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Pectoral sandpiper - 1 Dunlin - 1 Marsh harrier Ducks numbers are building on the reserve.  There was some disturbance to the main lagoon yesterday whilst essential maintenance was carried out but this has now finished so there are plenty of birds using

1 October 2013

Out on the reserve today

Out on the reserve today

Main observatory Pectoral sandpiper - 1 Ringed plover - 3 Friends hide Curlew sandpiper - 2 Little stint Marsh harrier

30 September 2013

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Pectoral Sandpiper (Main Observatory)

29 September 2013