Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS Count) 08 November 2021

Here are the totals of all species of bird seen on Monday 8 November at WWT Welney (our first swan count will take place next week - fingers crossed for no foggy starts).

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS Count)

Cormorant - 10
Great egret - 2
cattle egret - 4
Little egret - 2
Grey heron - 8
Mute swan - 45
Whooper swan - 845
Greylag goose - 578
Canada goose - 353
Egyptian goose - 1
Wigeon - 1893
Gadwall - 233
Teal - 495
Mallard - 620
Pintail - 83
Shoveler - 243
Pochard - 183
Tufted duck - 5
Moorhen - 4
Coot - 71
Golden plover - 87
Lapwing - 506
Dunlin - 12
Ruff - 1
Snipe - 2
Black-tailed godwit - 760
Curlew - 7
Redshank - 3
Black-headed gull - 605
Common gull - 1
Marsh harrier - 7
Buzzard - 2
Kestrel - 1
Stock dove - 8
Barn Owl - 1
Meadow pipit - 8
Water pipit - 1
Grey wagtail - 5
Pied wagtail - 3
Wren - 2
Robin - 3
Blackbird - 2
Mistle thrush - 1
Blue tit - 5
Great tit - 6
Magpie - 4
Rook - 14
Carrion crow - 27
Starling - 217
Chaffinch - 5
Greenfinch - 3
Goldfinch - 4
Linnet - 32
Corn bunting - 22

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