Latest sightings

Welney sightings 03/01/2023

Welney sightings 03/01/2023

Sightings for Tuesday 3rd January

3 January 2023

Welney sightings 02/01/23

Welney sightings 02/01/23

a beautiful sunny day here with plenty to see. Lady fen open for a long walk, only main observatory open for viewing from hides

2 January 2023

Welney Sightings 01/01/2023

Welney Sightings 01/01/2023

Beautiful day with lots to see, wellies recommended to walk around Lady Fen today

1 January 2023

Welney sightings- 31/12/2022

Welney sightings- 31/12/2022

There are plenty of fantastic murmurations to be seen.

31 December 2022

Welney sightings - 30/12/2022

Welney sightings - 30/12/2022

Sightings for Friday 30th December

30 December 2022

Welney sightings - 29/12/2022

Welney sightings - 29/12/2022

Sightings for Thursday 29th December 2022 Main observatory, Lady fen loop open and swan feeds at 12:00 and 15:30. All other hides inaccessible due to flooding.

29 December 2022

Welney sightings - 28/12/2022

Welney sightings - 28/12/2022

Sightings for Wednesday 28th December 2022 Main observatory, Lady fen loop open and swan feeds at 12:00 and 15:30. All other hides inaccessible due to flooding.

28 December 2022

December swan count

December swan count

After a period of very cold weather, a sudden increase in temperature and overcast morning made for a challenging dawn count.

27 December 2022

Welney sightings - 27/12/2022

Welney sightings - 27/12/2022

Sightings for Tuesday 27th Of December

27 December 2022

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) December 2022

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) December 2022

Species totals of the birds seen across the WWT Welney reserve on Tuesday 20 December 2022

26 December 2022

Welney sightings 26/12/22

Welney sightings 26/12/22

A Bright Boxing day morning on the Welney WWT Reserve.

26 December 2022

Welney sightings- 24/12/2022

Welney sightings- 24/12/2022

Sightimgs for Saturday 24th December 2022

24 December 2022

Welney sightings- 23/12/2022

Welney sightings- 23/12/2022

Sightings for Friday 23rd December 2022

23 December 2022

Welney sightings - 22/12/2022

Welney sightings - 22/12/2022

Sightings for Thursday 22nd December 2022

22 December 2022

Welney sightings - 21/12/2022

Welney sightings - 21/12/2022

Sightings for Wednesday 21st December 2022

21 December 2022