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Standing out from the crowd

A bigger, bolder voice for wetlands.

Welcome to the new WWT. It’s not just what you see that’s changed, it’s the way we talk, the way we present ourselves and the way we act.

Why change now?

It’s about raising our profile, being distinctive and getting our voice heard.

Wetlands have multiple superpowers. And we’re on a mission to put them centre stage at this critical time.

Our new brand will help us speak louder, stand out from the crowd and be the wetland pioneers we’ve always been – but updated, for the modern world.

The volume is increasing on conversations about nature and the environment. But it’s essential we get wetlands into that conversation. We need to ensure their superpowers are unleashed and the threats they face are better understood. We need to do everything we can to ensure wetlands are understood to be a go-to solution to many of our world’s problems.

Our new brand will drive this change, inspiring more people like you to take action for wetlands.