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World Curlew Day

World Curlew Day (21 April) is a grass roots initiative that seeks to raise awareness of the plight of the curlew.

This iconic bird, so evocative of our wild and wet landscapes and beloved by poets, artists and musicians down the centuries, is now regarded as the most pressing bird conservation priority in the UK, where we hold a quarter of the world’s population.

That’s why at WWT, we’re so passionate about doing all we can to save this precious bird and ensure its haunting call can continue to be heard across our wetlands for generations to come.

Curlew Calling

We celebrated World Curlew Day 2022 by hosting an evening inspired by a love of curlews, music and nature with curlew champion Mary Colwell and singer-songwriter David Gray.

Here's a recording of the event in case you missed it or you would like to watch it again.