Whats on this October half term

We had a great start to October half term this weekend with 2100 people visiting us! This weekend the pumpkin carvings kicked off our half term activities, and we have plently more going on over the new two weeks. There are daily talks and feeds including a conservation and captive birding talk by Peter Cranswick, Head of Species Recovery for WWT. This will take place on Wednesday 24th at 2 pm. The talk will last an hour there is no need to book but bare in mind there are only 100 spaces available. Also learn about are some of our other wildlife like the swans, flamingos, and beavers in our drop in tours and talks.  Animal feeds are also daily so you have no reason to miss out on the otter and spetacular swan feeds. Please ask at the Information desk on arrival for confirmation of talk details and times. Is it also your last chance to experience our award winning attraction the canoe Safari. Experience nature in a different way. The safari will close on the 4th November and not open again until Easter. There are family activities everyday between 1pm-4pm were you can take part in family crafts. There will be boat tours around the wetlands to learn all about our history and wildlife. There is also a brand new adventure play area. "The Rushes" is designed to reflect Martin Mere’s focus on the environment and natural play. Everyday we will have a range of activities to keep everyone entertained.

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