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Hand feeding announcement

We have unfortunately had to stop hand feeding as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of bird illnesses. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Experience incredible wildlife spectacles, colourful landscapes, and close-up encounters with wildlife.

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With 600 acres of amazing wetland scenery, you can discover many species of wildfowl at Martin Mere as you explore nature this spring.

Star species: black-headed gull, Cetti’s warbler, kingfisher, marsh harrier, avocet, orange-tip butterfly

The islands on the mere are full of life with upto 1000 black-headed gulls building their nests, watch their squabbles and look out for the first chicks hatching in May.

Cetti's warblers, with their explosive song, are often heard and not seen. We have up to 25 pairs on the reserve, with most of them on the reedbed walk.

Footpaths between hides are full of orange tip butterflies in spring where their favourite food plants cuckoo flower and garlic mustard grow.

A wild guide to spring

Use our guide to make the most of spring wildlife at Martin Mere. Enjoy your wetland adventure!

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Find out more about the reserve and how you can view wildlife

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