Learn all about swans - Today its U49 'Mill'
Every day this week we are going to tell you about some of our swan characters and what we have learnt about them - why not make a note of their ring numbers and come down to see if you can spot them and send us a picture? Today we are focu...ssing on swan number U49, a male named 'Mill'. Mill was first ringed at Martin Mere in 2003 and he has visited us every year since then. He was ringed as an adult so he must be at least 12 years old. He currently has a female mate which has a yellow ring number C6A, she was ringed in 2008 and Mill is also a dad. They arrived with 3 cygnets on 25 October 2012 so you can come and see their family, but previously to this year he has also had 8 further cygnets with C6A. Previously to C6A he had a mate ringed 'Urn' up until 2007 and he had 16 cygnets with Urn making him a dad of at least 27 cygnets. Have a look tomorrow for our next swan feature.