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As a member of WWT you are now able to get closer to the work we undertake to save wetlands for future generations. Below is a brief summary of your membership.

Membership Subscription

WWT through its governing body (the council), has the discretion to refuse any application for membership or renewal and may remove members. The council sets the level of subscriptions payable. A member may not enjoy any privilege of WWT, so long as their subscription is in arrears.


The council may create different categories of membership; the current categories are listed overleaf. The rights and privileges of membership are not transferable. As WWT is a company limited by guarantee for practical and legal reasons, there is a separate category of members known as guarantor members. The guarantor members each agree to contribute £1 to the assets of WWT on a winding up. All other members are ordinary members

Meetings of Members

An annual general meeting (AGM) of the guarantor members is held every year at a time and place fixed by thecouncil. All other meetings will be general meetings. A general meeting may be convened by the council and can be called on 14 days notice. It is anticipated that all members will be invited to attend the AGM each year, although only guarantor members are entitled to vote.

Amendments to the Articles

Any proposed amendment to the Articles of Association of WWT is subject to the approval by a simple majority of votes cast at a separate meeting of ordinary members, who are 18 years old or over. Each ordinary member is entitled to receive 14 days notice of such a meeting.

Election of council members

Every member is eligible to be a member of council, except a member who is also an employee of WWT or who has been an employee within the last five years. Members of council can only be elected by guarantor members. Any member (except employees or former employees of WWT) may nominate another member for election to the council. The nomination must be supported by not less than 10 members, and must be forwarded with the written consent of the candidate to the Chief Executive of WWT, not later than 1 March in any year. No member (other than a member of the council) may nominate or support more than one candidate in any one year. A list of
all nominated candidates will be presented at a meeting of guarantor members immediately after the AGM. Onlyguarantor members may vote, though ordinary members may also be invited to attend.

Retirement of members of council

Members of Council retire by rotation three years after their election. A retiring member may stand for re-election for one additional period of three years. In certain circumstances a retiring member can be re-elected for up to three additional periods of one year.

Proceedings of council

The council may meet as it decides. Five members constitute a quorum. The council elects a Chairman from its number, who holds office as Chairman for 3 years.

Categories of membership

One adult, joint adults, one adult (concession), joint adults (concession), young person, family (two adults), family (one adult), Fellow (+ one family guest), Individual life, individual life (senior), joint life, joint life (senior), family life (all ‘life’ include one family guest).


Membership, WWT, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire, GL2 7BT

Tel: 01453 891198

This document represents a brief summary of WWT members’ rights. Full copies of the constitution contained within the memorandum and articles of association may be obtained from the company secretary at Slimbridge.