
Wetlands - a natural answer to global climate and biodiversity crises

Wetlands - a natural answer to global climate and biodiversity crises

Over the last couple of years we have published four proposals, or Route Maps, that together show how wetlands can reduce flood risk, improve water quality, store carbon and improve people’s wellbeing.

19 December 2023

Spend a wonderful day out in nature at WWT this winter

Spend a wonderful day out in nature at WWT this winter

Winter at WWT sites is the perfect time to engage with nature and spot some truly spectacular species. Whether it’s the sights and sounds of scores of swans touching down for their daily feast on a bountiful buffet, or the flurry of waxwings making the most of the season’s berries, there’s so much to see.

14 December 2023

Winter photography tips: taking pictures when things get icy

Winter photography tips: taking pictures when things get icy

Advice from a wildlife photographer on how to make the most of the scarce but great quality winter light, what wildlife are about, and photography techniques that enhance a winter scene.

7 December 2023

Can birds survive devastating storms?

Can birds survive devastating storms?

Climate change is causing heavier rain and stronger storms, bringing untold damage and destruction to people, businesses and livelihoods. But how do birds and other wildlife fare during these extreme weather events?

23 November 2023

UK public consultation on lead ammunition - have your say before 10th December

UK public consultation on lead ammunition - have your say before 10th December

Help us achieve a ban on the use of lead ammunition in hunting and outdoor sports shooting in Great Britain by submitting your views to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) public consultation by 10 December 2023.

9 November 2023

The King’s speech:  a missed opportunity for nature

The King’s speech: a missed opportunity for nature

The King’s speech was a missed opportunity for nature. How do we get the UK on track to tackle the climate and biodiversity crisis? What is the King’s speech?

8 November 2023

Autumn rare bird roundup at WWT: wader spectacular

Autumn rare bird roundup at WWT: wader spectacular

Wetlands are key stopover sites for so many migrating bird species throughout the autumn. They’re the perfect place for them to rest and refuel as they make their long journeys from breeding grounds further north, down towards southerly wintering areas.

31 October 2023

An NFM update in the Thames River Catchment

An NFM update in the Thames River Catchment

One year into the Thames Catchment Natural Flood Management Advice project and there have already been a number of successes and lessons learnt.

26 October 2023

Flood Resilient Communities: WWT’s Expanding Role

Flood Resilient Communities: WWT’s Expanding Role

Around 5.5 million homes and businesses are vulnerable to flooding in England. Natural flood management uses natural features in the landscape like ponds, floodplains and wet woodlands to help prevent flooding.

23 October 2023

Top 20 rarest birds ever found at WWT sites

Top 20 rarest birds ever found at WWT sites

WWT wetlands are excellent places to find rare birds and over the years they’ve played host to some of the rarest in UK history. Almost every month, there is a new rarity to catch up with and there’s no better time to find your own, with autumn migration well underway.

7 September 2023

Behind the scenes on our reserves

Behind the scenes on our reserves

It’s the end of the summer, the air feels softer and the mornings cooler. Over the last few months our reserves have been packed with visitors, our teams busy with activities like pond dipping and meet the keeper talks.

7 September 2023

Lucy Lapwing shares her love of mini-wetlands

Lucy Lapwing shares her love of mini-wetlands

Wetlands are the watery habitats such as ponds, rivers and marshes that are essential for wildlife. In fact, freshwater wetlands support more life per square kilometre than any other type of habitat. But the UK has suffered devastating wetland loss over hundreds of years. We’ve lost 75% of our wetlands in the last 300 years.

24 August 2023

We’re in a water quality crisis: Let’s use wetlands to help us fix it!

We’re in a water quality crisis: Let’s use wetlands to help us fix it!

This week, we published our new Wetlands for Water Quality route map which sets out how the UK can unlock the super powers of wetlands to help clean our water and address the water quality crisis.

3 August 2023

10 great reasons to visit our wetland centres this summer

10 great reasons to visit our wetland centres this summer

We hope you’re enjoying the summer holidays as much as we are! Our reserves are bursting with wildlife and buzzing with visitors. There’s so much to see and do, with plenty of adventures to be had and new experiences to discover. Whether you’re new to the wonders of wetlands or seasoned members you won’t want to miss out, come and join in the fun!

1 August 2023

Government must not let up on its actions to improve water quality

Government must not let up on its actions to improve water quality

WWT Chief Executive Sarah Fowler on why the Government needs to deliver on its promise to ensure housing developments include pollution mitigation measures and protect our waterways

21 July 2023