
Diary of a swan spotter

Diary of a swan spotter

Volunteer swan spotter extraordinaire, Wim Tijsen, talks Bewick’s, climate change and why the calls of the swans’ post migration reunions are forever etched into his memory.

15 April 2021

Five wetland plants with secret superpowers

Five wetland plants with secret superpowers

Plants are the structural foundation of wetlands, supporting a range of life. They also have some amazing and unexpected qualities. Yet they are often under-appreciated.

12 April 2021

A spotlight on wetland wildlife - March 2021

A spotlight on wetland wildlife - March 2021

March has been a real month of change, sometimes cold but often with a real sense of spring in the air. We have said ‘bon voyage’ to the last of our winter visitors and a brief ‘hello’ to those species just passing through...

1 April 2021

How to tell the difference between frog and toad spawn

How to tell the difference between frog and toad spawn

Have you spotted any frogspawn yet? Whether it’s in a local pond or your own back garden it’s always an exciting moment. Along with daffodils and birdsong it’s one of the first signs that spring is here. We know it can be hard to tell exactly what is wha

12 March 2021

10 Biodiversity success stories from WWT Reserves in 2020

10 Biodiversity success stories from WWT Reserves in 2020

2020 was a tough year, but the results are in and we’re delighted to report that we have some stories of conservation optimism to share with you. Head of Reserves Emma Hutchins takes stock and reflects on the highlights of 2020 at our ten WWT wetland sit

9 March 2021

How the weather affects migratory birds

How the weather affects migratory birds

The weather can have a dramatic impact on migrating birds. From cloud structure to wind direction and strength, each can play a part in the success or failure of a bird’s migration.

27 February 2021

A spotlight on wetland wildlife - February 2021

A spotlight on wetland wildlife - February 2021

February has been a real mix of weather on our reserves, from a week of sub-zero temperatures to the recent warm air blowing up from the south. One week we were in the depths of winter, the next was looking very much like spring...

26 February 2021

Spring: up close

Spring: up close

Spring is well on its way, the first flowers are appearing, the trees are beginning to bustle with bird song and when the sun comes out there’s a definite warmth to it. Join us as we take a look at all we can expect from spring, perhaps the most exciting

25 February 2021

Nature-themed family activities for outdoor and indoor fun this half term

Nature-themed family activities for outdoor and indoor fun this half term

WWT’s wetland centres are great places to take in some fresh air and appreciate what the great outdoors has to offer, but with our centres currently closed now’s the perfect time to explore what’s around you. From local streams, ponds and lakes what

15 February 2021

Wetlands of the World: The Yellow sea - a migration lifeline

Wetlands of the World: The Yellow sea - a migration lifeline

The Yellow Sea's vast intertidal wetland mudflats offer food-packed staging posts to waders and other birds in their countless thousands. Located between China and South Korea, it's a target for conservation because of its importance to migratory birds.

1 February 2021

A spotlight on wetland wildlife - January 2021

A spotlight on wetland wildlife - January 2021

We’re back with our first reserve roundup of 2021 and we find ourselves well and truly in the middle of winter. If you've missed our reserves, here's your chance to enjoy some winter wildlife virtually.

28 January 2021

Wetlands of the World: Mekong Delta - Vietnam and Cambodia

Wetlands of the World: Mekong Delta - Vietnam and Cambodia

The Mekong Delta: home to floating markets, Khmer pagodas and villages surrounded by shimmering emerald rice paddies. But this vast, seasonally flooded maze of rivers, swamps and islands is so much more than an exotic holiday destination.

21 January 2021

Wetlands of the world: The Arctic tundra, Russia

Wetlands of the world: The Arctic tundra, Russia

This new series takes a look at some of the more unexplored yet fascinating wetlands on Earth. Our first stop is the Arctic tundra, home of the Bewick swan and an ancient people who are helping to protect it.

15 January 2021

Stories from the Russian Arctic

Stories from the Russian Arctic

With Bewick's numbers falling by 40 percent since the mid-1990s, and as many as a third having shotgun bullet pellets in their bodies, WWT has been working with the local community in their Russian breeding grounds to help conserve these endangered swans

13 January 2021

Slimbridge wetland system is treat for water and wildlife

Slimbridge wetland system is treat for water and wildlife

It might look like Shrek’s spa at the moment, but don’t let the abundance of mud fool you. Wetland treatment systems involve using natural processes to treat wastewater, but they do so much more than that.

23 December 2020