6th July

4 litttle ringed plovers showing well on the Folly Pond this morning along with 2 common sandpipers. A black swan flew in and joined two mute swans on the folly, much to their bemusement. Our mute swa [...]

4 litttle ringed plovers showing well on the Folly Pond this morning along with 2 common sandpipers. A black swan flew in and joined two mute swans on the folly, much to their bemusement. Our mute swan family with 6 cygnets continues to thrive and can be seen on the whooper pond at feed times with up to 100 moulting mallards. Over 100 curlews in the corner field and the lapwing flock on the merse continues to grow. Blackcap, sedge warbler, chiffchaff and whitethroat are still singing in the rain!

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