Each season brings its star species and spectacles to Caerlaverock Wetland Centre
For the most up-to-date reserve news, view our blog.
Osprey and warblers arrive from the south. Hedgerows are busy as nest-building begins. The first wildflowers come into bloom. Natterjack toads reveal the origins of their name as they begin making noisy calls to attract mates.

Discover the importance of lady's smock (or cuckoo flower) to the orange tipped butterfly, a stunning insect abundant across the reserve in April and May - the first butterfly of spring!

Caerlaverock has a good population of brown hares, with regular sightings of them lolloping around the centre, running across fields or taking a nap in the middle of a path!

Warblers from Sub-Saharan Africa begin to return in April, completing their 3-4,000 mile trip at Caerlaverock. They are rewarded with our insect-rich meadows and ponds.
Stay up-to-date with the latest sightings and musings from the team at WWT Caerlaverock.
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