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A clattering of jackdaws

As part of Words for Weltands, our team have been turning their hand to nature writing in whatever form that takes. So in the spirit of that, here is a poem about jackdaws.

One voice followed by another followed by dozens.

Shouting, yelling, cawing.

Look up to spot the source of the noise.

Circling overhead, a plethora, a flock, a clattering of jackdaws.

Synchronised swirling: order from chaos.

The clattering settles into silence coating a tree.

But soon it is time to leave.

Each voice tells another they want to go,

building and building and building until


A democracy flies


into the sky.

a clattering of jackdaws by marianne nicholson.jpg

A clattering of jackdaws swirling about in a grey sky by Marianne Nicholson

Words by Marianne Nicholson

Feature image of jackdaws perching in a tree by Alex Hillier

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