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A whole lot of fun for a whole lot less this February half-term

Make the most of your family’s time (and money!) this February half term, by taking a trip to Castle Espie. With a host of fun activities planned and endless opportunities to discover more about the natural world, our award-winning wetland reserve and visitor centre has something to keep the whole brood entertained.
Bird box building workshops 16 & 17 February - There is nothing quite matches the fun of making your very own nest box and watching on a daily basis as a pair of birds make their nest and raise their family in your own garden. So come along to our popular annual drop-in nest box building workshop and under our expert guidance you can make your very own box. The workshop is suitable for all ages from toddlers to the retired. Event runs from12 noon to 4pm. If you would like to keep your bird box a small charge of £5 will be applied to cover the cost of the materials.
Cool Camouflage event - 18 - 22 February - In the natural world nearly every species depends on either camouflage or the complete opposite to help them survive. Female ducks have drab plumage to hide them and their eggs or ducklings from the attention of predators such as foxes. At the other end of the spectrum some frogs have extremely vivid colouring to warn predators that they don’t taste too good, and in some cases, are even poisonous. But this colour coding isn’t just used by potential prey; it is also used by predators. Tiger’s stripes help them blend into the jungle foliage while creeping up on unsuspecting deer. So why not join us and try to hide like a Tiger in our woodlands for your half-term break? Activities include colour in a mini-beast or bird and see if you can hide it against our colourful backgrounds. Make your own camouflaged mask. Then drop in to Stoat town where our woodland rangers will help you build your own den to hide in. Activities run from 11am – 1pm and 2pm-4pm each day.
Duck Tales - Every weekend in February – find out more about the fascinating birds in our captive collection. 12noon & 2pm.

Visit Castle Espie Gallery as we will be offering a unique and exciting opportunity to view a selection of both artistic works and written musings of WWT founder, Sir Peter Scott. Runs from the 2 Feb to the 10 March.
All events included in cost of admission and free to WWT members

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