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Each season brings its star species and spectacles to Castle Espie Wetland Centre

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Migratory birds return to the reserve full of birdsong. Look out for courtship rituals and impressive aerobatic displays as nesting and breeding season begins. Ducklings and chicks start to appear, while wood sorrel carpets the reserve.

Star species: common terns, sedge warbler, black-tailed godwit, black-headed gulls

Common terns visit the reserve in spring to prospect for breeding sites. Our tern rafts offer them an ideal habitat for nest building, with bare shingle and surrounding water.

Most of our lakes and ponds host families of ducklings, from tufted ducks to mallards to shelducks – there are always babies to see!

Sedge warblers arrive from Africa in early April to breed in reeds. Listen out for them loudly singing, whistling and trilling.

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