Additions to the 2023 year list

A week into the New Year and a few more species have been sighted on the reserve

In addition blog post of 3rd January 2023 here we have added a few more species to the reserve year list, in no particular order.

88. Egyptian Goose- 2 on the Rushy on 4th.
89. Raven - a few records of flyover birds or pairs.
90. Red Knot- small numbers on a few dates on Top New Piece and Tack Piece.
91. Green Sandpiper- one calling in the dark on the Rushy.
92. Grey Plover - up t 12 on the Severn Estuary, best seen on the higher tides on the edge of the Dumbles.
93. Little Grebe - one seen at the North end of the reserve on 5th.
94. Spoonbill - an immature bird on 7th.
95 - Goshawk - one from the Zeiss and South Finger hides on 8th.
96. Goosander - a female on the Top New Piece on 7th.
97. Merlin - a male on 4th.

The Tack Piece still provides the best avian spectacle but all hides have plenty of birds to see. A Spoonbill called in yesterday (7th) but as is typical of this species kept on the move about the site. The Greater Scaup hasn't been seen so far today but many ducks on South Lake have been sheltering from the wind. Avocet numbers have crept up to 17 on South Lake. A pair of Stonechat have been feeding in the rushes on Top New Piece. A Grey Wagtail lacking it's tail has been seen in the Otter enclosure. Gadwall (pictured) have been notable today, in increase in numbers seen from the hides, at least 60 were counted today.

Estuary Tower

Two Marsh Harrier and Great Egret to the North, over high tide there were 10+ Grey Plover, the first Oystercatcher of the year, 401 Curlew and 400 Dunlin on the edge, 1280 Wigeon, 259 Pintail, 220 Teal and 3 Shoveler on the Severn. Snow and Ross's Geese on the Dumbles

Goose House Ground

Russian White-fronted Geese were noted early morning with 18 on the Dumbles and 11 in Bottom New Piece, later a flock of 84 were counted in the Goose House Ground, field just North of the Tack Piece, look over the hedge from Estuary Tower and Stephen Kirk Hide. Three Cranes were also seen.

Tack Piece

Spectacular flights of birds with 26 Ruff, 48 Redshank (all moved to Rushy later), 84+ Russian White-fronted Geese, 18 Bewick's Swans, 160 Wigeon, 300 Teal, 1000+ Dunlin, 2000+ Lapwing, 400 Black-tailed Godwit, 1500 Golden Plover and 49 Pintail.

Rushy Hide and Peng Observatory

55 Redshank, a Knot, 3 Snipe, 3 Ruff, 140 Dunlin and 300 Lapwing were the wader highlights. Only 53 Bewick's Swans were present at 0750am but 18 were on the Tack Piece and 18 on the Dumbles soon after, no doubt others have gone out to local fields.


The wild drake and two female Goldeneye in the with the collection birds, south side of Big Pen. Chiffchaff NW side of Decoy in ivy covered trees near to Martin Smith Hide bridge.

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