An update on our baby otters
It’s been 7 months now, and the otter cubs have grown up fast, so it’s time for an update on how they’re doing and where they’re up to developmentally.
Obviously, they are all eating solids now, and only solids, they will have been weaned by the end of 2012.
They are all between 2.5kg and 3kgs, which are good weights for this species at this stage.
For comparison, Ned (the dad) is 2.75k, so they’re nearly as big, or bigger in some cases.
They have grown faster than the last litter, and are considerably heavier than their siblings were at this age. So despite her age, Thai (mum) has done a fantastic job, and Ned has certainly done his part too.
They should continue to grow for another few months yet, and along with that should also continue to get more playful, especially as the weather warms up (hopefully!).
They will stop growing before they are fully developed though, and won’t really become adults until they are 2 years old or older.
Their training is coming along, and they will now ‘target to station’, allowing us to get them to stand on scales for their weigh-ins when required.
They have distinct personalities and traits and can be distinguished as individuals if you know what to look for. Over the next 3 days we will be profiling each of our young otters so that you will be able to identify them when you visit us and feel like you know them a lot better!