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Behind-the-Scenes to Fathers Go Feral!

Behind-the-Scenes Tours – On Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th June Find out more about how the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust manage a complex mosaic of intertidal and freshwater habitats. Grounds and Reserve Manager, Kerry Mackie, will take you behind the scenes and explain how the new reserve was created, its ongoing management and show you the benefits to wildlife throughout the seasons, from the 1000’s of brent geese in winter to the return of summer migrants to nest. Tours take place at 2pm and are included in the price of admission.

Father Go Feral – 16 June
Ever wanted to spend a weekend in the open air learning essential survival skills?
Well now’s your chance! WWT Castle Espie are offering the special chance for dads and their children to spend the weekend camping on the reserve with just the basics, learning essential woodland camping and bush craft skills.
Join the expert as they show Dads and kids essential survival techniques and then as the sun sets, gather around to enjoy cooking on the campfire!

Date: Sat 16 June
Starts at 7pm.
Cost £30 for adults and £20 for kids.
Booking is essential please contact reception on call 028 91 874146.

AND of course the Downy Duckling Tours are taking place every weekend in June at 12 noon, 2pm & 3pm and every Wednesday at 3pm We will be giving you the chance to get nose-to-beak close encounters during our popular Downy Duckling events. So come along and see our tiny fluffy ducklings and goslings as they take their first wobbly steps and take to the water like, well, ducks! You can even go behind the scenes and see the duckling nurseries with the incubated eggs and learn about egg fertility during ‘candling. If you’re really lucky, you might even see a tiny baby hatch from the egg, taking its first view of the world! Tours are included in price of admissions, due to popular demand pre-booking is essential. WWT members are also required to book their space although they will not be charged. WWT Members must arrive promptly 15 minutes before tour otherwise there space will be reallocated. Please contact reception on 02891 874146 (Note Wednesday tours take place at 3pm only).

Follow us on Facebook & Twitter @WWTcastleespie.

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