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Call for Artists: Nature through Art 2016


Greenshank by Adele Pound
Greenshank by Adele Pound

Nature through Art Exhibition 2016 - Artists' Call

The Castle Espie Gallery at WWT Castle Espie Wetland Centre is a well respected exhibition space for a variety of high quality artistic endeavours.

One of the aims of the gallery is to encourage fresh talent and bring new work to the fore. To this end, the Gallery is inviting submissions on the theme of “Nature through Art” for an exhibition from Saturday 6 February – Sunday 20 March 2016.

Submission details are as follows:

  • All submissions should reflect the exhibition’s theme of “Nature through Art”
  • A maximum of three pieces may be submitted for assessment
  • £7 charge for each piece submitted, payable by cheque (made out to WWT Trading) or by telephone (028 9187 4146) using a debit card
  • Submissions can be in a variety of media e.g. paintings, photography, textiles, sculpture, ceramics, woodwork, etc
  • The largest dimension of each piece should not exceed 60cms (this includes the frame in the case of paintings)
  • All submissions must have a maximum selling price of £300
  • Submission payment must be received before the submission deadline of 10 January 2016 for inclusion

To submit your artworks please send the following to for assessment by the Gallery Committee.

  • The artist’s name, address and contact telephone number
  • A good quality jpeg image (with a maximum size of 1mb) of each piece.
  • The title of each piece
  • The size/dimensions of each piece in centimetres (including the frame where appropriate)
  • The medium of each piece
  • The price of each piece

Submission deadline: Friday 10 January, 2016 at 4pm. Following the judging each applicant will receive a response by e-mail by Friday 15 January 2016.

All selected pieces will be received at the Castle Espie Gallery, Wildfowl & Wetlands Centre, 78 Ballydrain Road, Comber, BT23 6EA on Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 January from 10am - 4pm only.

Nature through Art Exhibition Launch: The exhibition will be launched  on Saturday 6 February at 2pm and all successful artists will be invited to attend.

The Castle Espie Gallery will take 20% commission (plus VAT on the commission at the current rate) on any sales which will be donated to the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust.

“Nature through Art” will run from Saturday 6 February to Sunday 20 March, 2016. All pieces must be collected by Sunday 20, Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 March between 10am and 4pm.   From Saturday 6 February to Tuesday 22 March, 2016 your pieces will be covered by WWT insurance.

Castle Espie Gallery cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage that may occur after the closing date of the exhibition (although care is taken to preserve and protect artists’ material).

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