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Castle Espie through the Lens Regional Winners

WWT Castle Espie Wetlands Centre, Co Down, has named the three regional winners in the Winter heat of its nationwide photography competition.

'Right behind you dear' captured by Brian Dunseath

From the abstract to the arty; keen photographers in and around County Down were invited to submit entries for three photography categories in the second seasonal heat of its national competition; WWT Photography Competition (2011 – 2012), in association with Canon.

Brian Dunseath was named winner in the Wetland Wildlife category, with his picture entitled ‘Right Behind you Dear’.  Brian highlighted 'It's always a pleasure to visit Castle Espie, particularly with a camera to hand, there is always something new to see and moments to capture. This is my first every photography competition and I am delighted to have won this heat. I enjoyed this shot because these mallard ducks seemed such a close 'couple' and the light was just right to catch their eyes and freeze them as they came into land.’   Ann Stuart was named winner in the Wetland Landscapes category, with her picture entitled ‘Across the loch to Scrabo’.  Paul Pruzina, aged 14 from Grosvenor Grammar School, was once again named Young Photographer winning his second heat, following his picture submission entitled ‘Whistler Ducks’.

The winter seasonal winners have each won a place on an acclaimed photography course, held by nature photography experts Wild Arena. Each of the winners will also now go through to the national finals to be held in autumn 2012, where £50,000 worth of prizes are up for grabs including wildlife photography and activity holidays.

The competition was open to visitors at the nine WWT wetland centres around the UK.  Maeve Curran, Marketing and Communications Manager, highlighted, “Following on from the success of the winter heat which received an influx of over 3,343 online entries and a staggering 17,604 votes in the People’s Choice category, the next season has much to live up to and interest in the competition is clearly growing.  WWT is calling on all nature lovers and photographers to submit their most prized pictures before 31 May 2012 when the spring heat will close.

The competition is being held in association with Canon, in celebration of the Scott Antarctic Expedition Centenary, and offers an amazing £50,000 worth of fantastic prizes for the national winners, including a grand prize for the Portfolio Photographer category of a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Antarctica courtesy of Exodus in partnership with Quark Expeditions.  Visit for full details.

Maeve Curran  added: “Our WWT wetland centre isn’t just for budding photographers; it’s for everyone who enjoys nature, wildlife or simply just a great day out.  Castle Espie is the newest WWT visitor centre and the Trust’s first in Ireland.  This time of year there is plenty to see and do, with spring welcoming the arrival of  baby ducklings and goslings with the Downy Duck Tours starting in May.   Among the many other attractions at the wetland centre is the Art Gallery which runs free exhibitions throughout the year in Ireland’s only environmentally-led space.  The current exhibition, which runs to the 18 April 2012, features ‘Glimpse of Nature’ by Wildlife Artist Lorna Hamilton.

For full details on all on events please visit

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