
Wander to watch wetland wildlife this winter

Wander to watch wetland wildlife this winter

Winter is a magical time of year to be at our wetlands. A sense of peace and tranquillity settles over the landscape and our watery spaces become gentler, relaxing places that encourage moments of stillness. Be inspired by our wild side…. and plan ti

8 December 2023

Firecrests, gold crests and redwings

Firecrests, gold crests and redwings

Current wildlife highlights include Lapwing numbers now exceeding 100 on the lagoon between the Ramsar and Sand martin hides most mornings. We are seeing shelduck re-appearing in double figures. Up to 10 marsh harriers and small flock of pied wagtails roo

6 December 2023

Holiday hours in December

Holiday hours in December

Arundel Wetland Centre is open every day in December, except for Christmas Day, to allow visitors to enjoy vibrant family days out or peaceful moments, away from the hustle and bustle, this holiday season.For Christmas Eve Sun 24 Dec we are closing at bit

1 December 2023

Kingfisher and winter thrushes

Kingfisher and winter thrushes

A kingfisher was showing well from the Scrape this past week. It can be spotted around the site. (photos above by visitor Alec Pelling on Sat 25 Nov).Sightings of redwings, mistle thrush, song thrush, goldcrest, firecrest and black caps as well as mixed t

29 November 2023

Late night Christmas Shopping event

Late night Christmas Shopping event

Our WWT shop and cafe are open until 8 pm on Dec 8 for relaxed Christmas shopping with lots of sustainable, nature inspired gifts to choose from.

27 November 2023

Teal and lapwing numbers up

Teal and lapwing numbers up

We are seeing 20+ teal and 10+ lapwing each morning between the Ramsar hide and the Sand martin hide this past week. The highest count for teal was 27 on Monday; for lapwing, it was 31 last Sunday. There were 2 wigeon onsite on last Friday as well. A

19 November 2023

Marsh Harrier roost at Arundel

Marsh Harrier roost at Arundel

In the late afternoons, from late October through February, marsh harriers arrive to roost in the reedbeds at Arundel Wetland Centre. Last year Our Reserve Team counted up to ten marsh harriers arriving to stay overnight in the SSSI reedbed. The best spot

22 October 2023

Seven great egrets!

Seven great egrets!

We counted 7 great egrets from the Ramsar hide this morning! Senior Reserve Manager Rosie Ellis managed to snap five of the great egrets crowding a grey heron. Rosie also spotted two snipe to the left of the Scrape hide. Wed 18 OctRamsar hide: 7 great

18 October 2023

Water rail and snipe arriving for winter

Water rail and snipe arriving for winter

Water rails are being seen and mostly heard around the site this week. Their contact call is a pig like squeal. We see a few water rail onsite year around but numbers increase in autumn with birds arriving from mainland Europe to winter on our wetlands.

11 October 2023

Great egret & good gadwall counts

Great egret & good gadwall counts

A great egret has been onsite since Monday wading and fishing between the Ramsar and Sand martin hides. Visitor Martin Watson took this photo of the great egret last October at Arundel.Gadwall numbers are high with over seventy on Tuesday morning between

4 October 2023

Gadwall numbers up

Gadwall numbers up

There have been good numbers of gadwall between Ramsar and Sand martin hides, 56 gadwall on Tuesday. Shoveler numbers are up with too and they are sprinkled around the site. Cattle egrets and little egrets are around and Sand martin hide and Scrape hi

27 September 2023

Wildlife, well being and art competition for adults this autumn

Wildlife, well being and art competition for adults this autumn

Autumn is a natural time of change and reflection. Nature’s palette shifts and migrating birds pass through on journeys south or arrive to stay the winter. Give yourself some quiet time to be still with nature - you may be rewarded with the flash of

20 September 2023

Hawkers and common darters

Hawkers and common darters

Last week's dragonfly survey recorded over one hundred dragonflies and damselflies onsite. Five species were recorded: mostly migrant hawkers and common darter dragonflies with good numbers of southern hawkers, brown hawkers, and willow emerald damself

20 September 2023

Let WWT and the art of Sir Quentin Blake inspire an autumn of wetland adventure

Let WWT and the art of Sir Quentin Blake inspire an autumn of wetland adventure

Autumn is upon us in all its glory, bringing with it new wildlife, new landscapes and new creative events to enjoy at Arundel Wetland Centre. “Visitors will be walking with me, and I like to think of myself walking with them. I shan’t mind if I get

18 September 2023

eek! Week and more this October half term

eek! Week and more this October half term

Calling all young eek!splorers…. Our fantastic, fun, wildlife learning eek!sperience for all the family is back! Explore our spooky wetlands this October half term, if you dare, from Sat 22 – Sun 29 Oct. Pick up a trail card and discover an interac

13 September 2023