
Lapwing chicks & a cuckoo calls

Lapwing chicks & a cuckoo calls

Kingfisher continue to be active around nest hole #5 in the artificial bank on the Arun Riverlife lagoon. Look out for the sand martins coming in and out of nest holes at the banks of the Sand martin hide. A cackling goose and a cackling barnacle cross se

9 May 2023

Bird song bonanza, great crested grebe & sand piper

Bird song bonanza, great crested grebe & sand piper

Lots of bird song in the air from the likes of this sedge warbler and a black cap both captured by Rob Collins on a recent visit. We’ve had a nightingale on the back of the car park wild area that borders the wet grassland of the Lapwing hide off and on

28 April 2023

Kingfishers nest in Arun Riverlife bank again

Kingfishers nest in Arun Riverlife bank again

A kingfisher pair are back in hole 5 of the nesting bank on Arun Riverlife. They favour this hole and have nested here before - see Mike Jerome's photo above.We are not sure about the pair of kingfishers who nested in the Sand Martin Hide last year –

19 April 2023

Goslings and ducklings hatched out for the Easter holidays

Goslings and ducklings hatched out for the Easter holidays

As if on cue for the Easter holidays greylag and Canada geese families are appearing with goslings in tow on the wet grasslands from the Ramsar and Sand martin hides, the Wetland Discovery area and on Waterside walk. Mallard ducklings are about as well on

11 April 2023

Lapwings and oystercatcher pairs

Lapwings and oystercatcher pairs

Lapwing males have been nest scraping and at least two females appear to be on nests opposite the Ramsar hide. One pair of oystercatchers have been flitting between Pelican Cove and Arun Riverlife lagoon - this is likely the pair that has been nestinhg

28 March 2023

Arundel spring bird ID guide

Arundel spring bird ID guide

New to bird spotting or just want a handy reference guide? Download this free guide to Arundel's most common spring birds. Get the Bird ID guide

20 March 2023

Toads on the move, Kingfishers & oystercatchers active

Toads on the move, Kingfishers & oystercatchers active

Toad migration to breeding ponds picked up again last week on the days when the overnight temps were warmer and the weather was showery. On Monday Senior Reserve Warden Emma Jacob was on ‘Toad Patrol’ doing 'catch and release' of toads that were broug

16 March 2023

Cold weather slows down spring

Cold weather slows down spring

The cold weather seems to have put spring on hold for the moment. Birds are singing and displaying, but not much else is going on. Lapwing are still onsite in good numbers and are starting to investigate usual territories, but have yet to starting mating

9 March 2023

Lots of lapwing still on site

Lots of lapwing still on site

Flock of 100+ lapwing still onsite most days, not broken up yet for spring. You will hear the occasional slide-whistle display calls when individual males taking to the air. Mixed groups of tits in the Woodland Loop (including a coal tit) with chaffinc

4 March 2023

Oystercatchers return

Oystercatchers return

A pair of oyster catchers were spotted feeding in the grass around Pelican Cove yesterday. The pair moved over to the rocky island on Arun Riverlife lagoon in Tuesday afternoon. We think this is one of our regular nesting pairs - likely the pair who have

22 February 2023

Common, black-headed & Mediterranean gulls

Common, black-headed & Mediterranean gulls

Large numbers of common gulls have been onsite this week - they have arrived a bit late this winter. There are fewer Mediterranean gulls in the mix than usual -but with high gull numbers and the Med. gulls not all fully coloured up and often sitting wit

16 February 2023

Pintails, wigeon, pochards & teal

Pintails, wigeon, pochards & teal

There was a pair of pintail at the Sand martin hide this morning along with 8 pochard and 4 wigeon. Good numbers of teal around and snipe back in front of Ramsar hide, Scrape hide and even one on the Arun Riverlife lagoon. Lots of lapwing still between Ra

8 February 2023

Lapwing, teal & gadwall numbers back up after the thaw

Lapwing, teal & gadwall numbers back up after the thaw

Now that our waterways have thawed lapwing numbers are back up with the highest count 120 last Saturday. We’ve pochards onsite too – on Arun Riverlife, Pelican Cove and Wetland Discovery. A pair of pochard nested on Pelican Cove last year so we are ke

31 January 2023

Bullfinches along Tranquil Trail

Bullfinches along Tranquil Trail

Bullfinches have been showing in the hedgerows along the Long path and Tranquil Trail. Sightings of these bright birds (the males) in the trees of the Reedswamp exhibit as well. Visitors reported spotting firecrests last weekend as well. They usually s

24 January 2023

Displaying teal on the icy scrape

Displaying teal on the icy scrape

Teal, gadwall and shoveler are present in good numbers from Ramsar, Sand Martin and Scrape hides, with shelduck dotted amongst them. Pair bonds are forming and the array of display between species is an often comical sight. Teal were calling and the males

17 January 2023