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Wildlife sightings - 13/11/18

Wildlife sightings - 13/11/18

a.m Tide Level: Mid Wader Lake Shelduck 10 Teal 4 Grey heron 1 Northern shoveler 2 Black-headed gull 20 Saline Lagoon Teal 31 Curlew 1 Redshank 1 Shelduck 1 Grey heron 1 Hawthorn Wood Coal tit 2 Great tit 5 Robin 1 Willow tit 3 Blue tit 3 Bullfinch 5 Nuth

13 November 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

South Lake Great Crested Grebe (pictured) + Pochard, Tufted Duck, Grey Heron, Cormorant, Shoveler, Teal, Lapwing, Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Snipe (Hogarth Hide end). Rushy Hide 64 male and 14 female Pochard among 250+ Tufted Duck, 50 Pintail, 90 Shelduck an

13 November 2018

Recent Sightings €- 12th Novemeber 2018

Recent Sightings €- 12th Novemeber 2018

This count was taken at low tide at Castles Espie on the morning of 12/11/2018. As we charge through autumn towards winter, the duck populations are increasing on the reserve and on the estuary. The winter flock of Tufted duck is beginning to build on the

13 November 2018

Reserve Update Tuesday 13th November

Reserve Update Tuesday 13th November

Ten Pintail could still be seen on Flood Ground this morning although they have now seemingly flown into the field to the North of the Avenue Tower.  Look for them feeding in amongst Whooper swans, Barnacle Geese, Greylag Geese, Lapwing, Curlew and Wigeo

13 November 2018

Wildlife sightings for 13th November 2018

Wildlife sightings for 13th November 2018

1 Bittern - main lake (North shore) 1 Pintail - reservoir lagoon 6 Mandarin - wildside 2 Fieldfare - South route 1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge   October/early November bird highlights: Short-eared Owl, Shelduck

13 November 2018

WeBS and a good day for herons

WeBS and a good day for herons

The monthly WeBS count was carried out today, across the site the totals were 14 Little Grebe  and 1 Great Crested Grebe (South Lake), 14 Cormorant (South Lake held 10), 6 Grey Heron, 1 Bittern (from Zeiss Hide at midday), 1 Cattle Egret (in the Rushy un

12 November 2018

Severn Estuary Partnership Forum 2018

Severn Estuary Partnership Forum 2018

We had the pleasure of being invited to exhibit a stand at the Severn Estuary Partnership (SEP) forum in Newport last week. It was a great opportunity to talk to people working in and around the estuary about Steart Marshes and the value of working wetlan

12 November 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Black-tailed godwit x 1022 Lapwing x 2600 Ruff Golden plover x 600 Snipe x 5 Moorhen Coot Curlew Great  egret Pintail Gadwall Mallard Teal Shoveler Pochard Wigeon Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag geese Canada geese Jay Skylark Meadow pipit Fieldfare Redwin

12 November 2018

Reserve Sightings - Monday 12th November 2018 - Peregrine

Reserve Sightings - Monday 12th November 2018 - Peregrine

Great start to the day with a Peregrine flying around the Whooper Pond this morning.  Not many Whooper swans joining in with the first feed of the day, likely because they are finding plenty of food in the fields around the Avenue Tower.  Hopefully more

12 November 2018

Wildlife sightings - 12/11/18

Wildlife sightings - 12/11/18

a.m. Tide Level: Mid Wader Lake Water rail 1 Shoveler 5 Shelduck 5 Snipe 4 Kestrel 1 Teal 6 Saline Lagoon Teal 12 Great black-backed gull 1 Shelduck 2 Herring gull 1 Black-backed gull 17 Hawthorn Wood Nuthatch 2 Bullfinch 3 Great spotted woodpecker 2 Robi

12 November 2018

Wildlife sightings for 12th November 2018

Wildlife sightings for 12th November 2018

1 Bittern - main lake (North shore) 3 Water Rail - main reedbed 2 Water Pipit - grazing marsh 14 Meadow Pipit - grazing marsh and over NW 11 Fieldfare - entrance area   October/early November bird highlights: Short-eared Owl, Shelduck, Goldeneye, B

12 November 2018

Cattle Egret on South Lake

Cattle Egret on South Lake

South Lake A Cattle Egret was present mid afternoon, it may be feeding with the Longhorn cattle that are in the roadside fields. A Little Egret was also noted. On the deep lake a party of 10 or so Pochard were accompanied by Tufted Ducks. The Great Creste

11 November 2018

Short-eared Owl

Short-eared Owl

A brief update. A Short-eared Owl put in an appearance from the Ron Barker Hide this afternoon. Another good raptor day with 6 species seen; Merlin, Peregrine, 5 Marsh Harrier, 4 Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk and 3 Kestrel. Two

11 November 2018

Wildlife sightings and WeBS count for 11th November 2018

Wildlife sightings and WeBS count for 11th November 2018

2 Bittern - main lake (North shore) 1 Jack Snipe - wader scrape 1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon 1 Pintail (male) - reservoir lagoon 1 Shelduck - wader scrape 19 Snipe - grazing marsh, wader scrape 3 Water Rail - main reedbed, sheltered lagoon 3 Water Pipi

11 November 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Canada goose Shoveler Mallard Pintail x5 Gadwall Wigeon Teal Pochard x30 Cormorant Moorhen Crane x4 Grey heron Great white egret Curlew x4 Black-tailed godwit 600+ Redshank x8 Snipe Dunlin Lapwing Black-headed gull Starling

11 November 2018