
Wildlife sightings 04/01/19
a.m. low tide Wader Lake lapwing 110 snipe 2 shelduck 11 teal 7 redshank water rail Saline lagoon Curlew 83 Teal 5 Jay Hawthorn Wood Brambling 9 Chaffinch 22 Goldfinch 2 Greenfinch 4 Lesser redpoll 6 Willow tit 2 Long tailed tit 6 nuthatch 2 Great spotted
4 January 2019

Calling Water Rail
1 Goldeneye - sheltered lagoon 4 Pintail - main lake 7 Mandarin - main lake, wildside 3 Water Rail - reservoir lagoon, reedbed, sheltered lagoon (all calling) 1 Siskin - South route 1 Coal Tit - South route feeders 1 Little Owl - World wetlands 1 Peregri
4 January 2019

Today's sightings - Ring-necked duck
Ring-necked duck alongside a pochard Ring-necked duck - 1 male in amongst the pochard right in front of the main hide. Today's sightings: Bewick's swan Mute swan Whooper swan Barnacle goose Greylag goose White-fronted
4 January 2019

Today's sightings
Ring-necked duck - 1 male in amongst the pochard right in front of the main hide Bewick's swan Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail Gadwall Wigeon Teal Ringed teal Pochard Tufted duck Cormorant Coot Grey heron Moor
3 January 2019

Goshawk again
Holden Tower The Dark-bellied Brent Goose was among Canada Geese on south end of the Dumbles (near Royal Drift) until flushed by a walker with dogs. The two Peregrines were also initially present. Tack Piece The Wigeon and Teal flock are keeping faithful
3 January 2019

Wildlife sightings - 03/01/19
a.m. Tide Level: Low (90% frozen) Wader Lake Curlew 260 Lapwing 70 Common snipe 1 Mute swan 2 Stock dove 3 Grey heron 2 Saline Lagoon Black-headed gull 80 Curlew 8 Teal Hawthorn Wood Brambling 9 Chaffinch 12 Bullfinch 10 Greenfinch 2 Goldfinch 1 Siskin 2
3 January 2019

Slimbridge becomes an official Learning Destination for The Children’s University
Slimbridge Wetland Centre have become an official Learning Destination for The Children’s University – encouraging children to keep learning when they’re outside the classroom. The Children’s University is a national charity that works with school
3 January 2019

Reserve Update Thursday 3rd January
Happy New Year to everyone. Cooler start to 2019 which has drawn the smaller birds back into the Avenues, Treecreeper seen down Saltcot Loaning as well as Yellowhammers and Reed Bunting back in front of the Peter Scott Observatory. Two male Hen Harrie
3 January 2019

Giving Nature a Hand
Saltmarshes provide important wetland habitats for a range of organisms, in particular specialist plant communities and associated animals, and they are therefore of high conservation interest. They act as high tide refuges for wading birds and wildfowl t
3 January 2019

Bitterns in the reed fringes of the main lake
2 Bittern - main lake N shore (Headley and Dulverton Hides) 1 Jack Snipe - scrape 1 Water Pipit - marsh, scrape 1 Redpoll - south route Birches p.m. 10 Redwing - entrance area 6 Fieldfare - entrance area 1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon 4 Pintail -
3 January 2019

Happy New Year to all our readers! A summary of recent days sightings, a Great White Egret was seen again on New Years Day from Ron Barker Hide. Up to 3 Little Egrets can be seen around the reserve most days. Barn Owls have been showing well at times fr
2 January 2019

Today's sightings
Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada goose Barnacle goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail Gadwall Wigeon Teal Ringed teal Pochard Tufted duck Cormorant Coot Moorhen Grey heron Great egret Little egret Black-tailed godwit Redshank Snipe Lapwing Golden p
2 January 2019

Wildlife sightings - 02/01/19
Wader Lake (AM, low tide): Shelduck 7 Teal 26 Water rail (Paddy Fleming Hide) 1 Lapwing 65 Black-headed gull 13 Snipe 2 Saline lagoon (AM, low tide): Grey heron 1 Curlew 1 Snipe 1 Hawthorn Wood feeding station: Great-spotted woodpecker 3 Bra
2 January 2019

7 Pintail displaying on the main lake
2 Bittern - main lake N shore 1 Water Pipit - marsh 13 Redwing - entrance area 1 Goldeneye - reservoir lagoon 7 Pintail - main lake 8 Snipe - scrape(5), main lake(2), marsh(1). The group on the scrape flew in high from the NW a.m. December bird hi
2 January 2019

Goshawk flyby
Overview A busy day for birds and people. Huge flocks of Wigeon, Lapwing and Golden Plover dominated from most hides With Curlew, Dunlin, Redshank and at least 21 Ruff among them. At least 11 Cranes on site and the usual pair of Peregrine and several buz
1 January 2019